Chapter 1

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You walked into your favorite music store one cold morning in 2013. You loved the sound of music, and it had always been a huge part of your life. You sat at the piano and placed your hands on the keys, and played one of your own songs. Sometimes people would stop and listen in awe, and it made you nervous but you never stopped playing. Suddenly you felt a tap on your shoulder. You quickly turned around, startled.

"I'm sorry! Did I scare you? I really didn't mean to..." one of them said.

You stared for a moment still in shock. It was a man with light eyes and a hat that covered his blonde-ish hair. He was fairly short and he wore a hat. Next to him was a slightly taller, dark haired man with hazel eyes. They seemed to be the same age as you. You recognized them from somewhere...

"No, no it's okay!" You laughed. "I just wasn't expecting that." You paused. "Oh my god! I know who you are!" You exclaimed as you finally became animated again.

They looked at you, then at each other and smiled. "I'm Patrick!" the smaller one said.

"I'm Pete wentz," said the other.

"Yeah! I love you guys so much! Your music has helped me a lot and I I can't believe I'm actually talking to you guys!" You cried.

They both laughed. "We just wanted to say that your piano skills are insane!" Pete exclaimed. "What song was that?"

You began to feel flustered. "'s actually a song I made. I've been working on it for a while but I'm just not sure what else to add..." you paused and stared at them. "I'm sorry if I'm staring too much! I've never met anyone famous before! And I certainly never thought I'd meet you!" You covered your face with your hands.

"Hey, don't think of us as famous! Just think of us as two random strangers who happened to collide paths with you," Pete replied.

You giggled at Pete. You looked over at Patrick. He was super cute, and you couldn't help but stare at his pretty face. His hat made him even more adorable. You've loved Patrick ever since you heard them back in 2003. His appearance has changed a lot over the years, but you never once thought Patrick was ugly.

"I'm sorry! I didn't catch you name," Pete said.

"Oh! It's (y/n)!" you replied.

"So (y/n), you said you made that song, right? That's incredible. It has a lot of potential. Maybe we can help out? Were you planning on adding lyrics?"

"Yeah, I was! I got a few down, but I don't think they're good enough...but I would love your help. Oh wow...I can't believe you guys actually want to help me," you responded as you stared at the boys in awe.

"Remember what I said, (y/n)! Don't think of us that way! And we would totally want to help. You have potential. It's something we're looking for. Why don't you stop by the studio tomorrow and we'll take a look at it," Pete smiled. He handed you a card with an address on it, as well as two phone numbers he had just written down- his and Patrick's.

"We can sort out the details over text tonight if you'd like."

"Ye-yeah! Totally! Oh wow, I really cannot believe this," you cried. Your eyes started getting teary. "I'll try to text at around 6:00 pm?"

"Sounds good! We will talk later," Pete winked.

"Can't wait. The song sounds super cool, and I can't wait to work with you," Patrick added in a small voice, as his eyes shifted from the floor to your eyes and back again. 

You Are What You Love, Not Who Loves You (Patrick x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now