Chapter 7

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After a while, both of you got ready and went to the party. You were outside of Pete's house, but could hear the loud music playing inside. The two of you walked in and saw numerous people dancing together. There were cups and pieces of food on the floors and tables.

"Yikes, this is going to take forever to clean," you joked. You and Patrick chuckled and continued inside.

In the kitchen you found Pete with his back against the counter along with Joe and Andy.

"Hey kids," Andy smirked.

"Oh shush Andy," you smiled. "Hey Joe. Hey Pete."

They waved and you and said "hey" back. Pete gave you a rather fake smile and quickly looked to the side then at the ground. Joe took you by the hand and turned to Patrick.

"Mind if I show her around and introduce her to some people?" Joe said to Patrick.

"Go ahead," Patrick sadly smiled. "Just be careful and don't do anything stupid!"

"I won't!" Joe yelled already taking you to the living room.

You walked across the room of people dancing wildly and saw some people sitting peacefully on the couch.

"Hey Joe," a brown haired man said. He was very handsome and was dressed nicely. Beside him was a beautiful woman with blue eyes. The mans eyes locked on to yours.

"Who do we have here?" he said smiling.

"(Y/n), this is Brendon Urie. Brendon this is (y/n). The pretty lady next to him is his girlfriend, Sarah," Joe said.

We exchanged greetings and chatted for a while. They were very nice and welcoming to you. After an hour or so you decided to look for Patrick. You were getting tired of the party and the noise and wanted to leave. As you made your way through the crowd you spotted someone who looked liked him kissing a girl. You got closer and realized it was Patrick. You quickly turned away. Your heart was beating fast and you could barely breathe. Suddenly you hear him calling your name.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n) wait! Wait!" he screamed over the loud music.

He made his way in front of you. There were tears in his eyes. He tried to hold you but you shoved him away. All you could do was stare at him in disbelief. You couldn't believe it. You didn't want to. You kept staring. Everything became blurry. You could see his mouth moving but couldn't hear what he was saying. The music from the party began to sound distorted. All you could hear were your thoughts. You snapped back into reality and burst into tears.

"Okay...okay" was all you could say. You calmly walked past him and left. You could still hear him calling your name, but you kept walking. 

You Are What You Love, Not Who Loves You (Patrick x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now