Chapter 4

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Finally you arrived at the building. You all got out the car, and Pete led you and Patrick to the studio room. Suddenly Pete got a call on his phone.

"Wait- what? Slow down...uh huh. Crap. You're kidding me? Seriously?" Pete said angrily. He ended the call. "Hey guys, something came up. I need to go. Is it alright if I come back like in two hours or so? I'm so sorry, it's important." Pete looked at you with a long face. "I'm sorry (y/n), if you need anything Patrick can help you. Okay? I'll be back soon." He frowned and touched your arm for a moment before rushing out of the room.

You looked at Patrick who seemed to be really worried. He looked at you.

"Hey...I'm sorry about that. That was really weird. I hope everything is okay..." he said as he looked out the window and saw Pete's car leaving.

You looked at him. Hopefully Pete is okay, you thought. Suddenly you were distracted by Patrick's pretty face. How could he look so beautiful all the time? You shook your head. You felt bad thinking about something like that, especially after what happened with Pete.

Patrick looked back at you and smiled. "Hey..." he whispered. "I-um...nevermind," he laughed. "That's-stupid..." he whispered to himself.

"What's wrong Patrick?" You looked concerned.

He stared at you for a moment before coming close to you. Your heart started to beat faster. What's he doing? You stood there until he was right in front of you.

"You're beautiful... and I'm sorry that came out of nowhere. I just didn't want to have Pete around. That call was fake. Nothing bad happened. Joe helped me out a little," Patrick laughed.

"Wha- what are you saying? When did you plan this?"

"In the car...I texted Joe to help me out because I wanted to be alone with you so I can tell you how I feel. The first time I saw you, I thought you were beautiful. I couldn't stop thinking about you..." Patrick paused. He looked at the floor.

"Patrick...I like you too. I like you a lot actually..."

Patrick quickly looked up at you. He started to lean in. Suddenly your lips touched. His were soft and smooth. He grabbed your face and back, and pushed you closer to him. You put hands on his face trying to kiss him a little harder. His face was so smooth. You took his hat off and ran your fingers through his beautiful hair. Both of you stopped and slowly pulled apart.

"I've been wanting to do that for years!" You laughed.

He pulled you in for a hug. His arms were wrapped tightly around your waist. He was warm. You felt safe within his arms. You were slightly smaller than he was, so your head was able to rest on his chest.

"I would love to take you out sometime," Patrick whispered.

"I'd love that. I'd go anywhere with you," you whispered back. Your fingers were running up and down his arms.

Suddenly Patrick got a call. It was from Pete. Patrick laughed a little bit before answering the call. He let go of you and talked to him. He laughed through the whole conversation, but I could hear Pete yelling at him. They hung up after a while.

Patrick looked at you and smiled. His smiled melted your heart. You felt your cheeks turn red, and your heart skipped a beat. He walked towards you, put his hands on your face and kissed you again. He held you tight as his lips touched yours over and over again. It felt like forever, but you were okay with it. It was the most amazing thing that had ever happened to you.

Suddenly the door opened and you both jumped. It was Pete.

"Woah. What the hell guys?" Pete exclaimed. He looked at Patrick with a hurt expression, "seriously dude?"

He lifted his hands up and dropped them down. His eyes seemed to tear up.

After a moment, Patrick spoke. "Pete I'm sorry-"

Pete interrupted, "no you're not. You knew I liked (y/n)! How could you do that to me?"

"Pete I like (y/n) too! Come on, man. You can't be serious. Look, I'm sor-"

"Shut up!" Pete cried. "That- what was that? You promised nothing would happen! And...what hurts more is that you went behind my back and did it. You didn't even tell it to my face. You made up some elaborate scheme to try to cover up your bullshit, Patrick." Pete stopped and took a long pause. "What the hell kind of a friend are you?" he almost whispered.

"Pete wait," Patrick yelled, but Pete was already out the door.

Patrick looked at you, sighed, shook his head and ran after him. You were left alone. What the hell just happened, you thought. You heard the sound of a car door and then the engine start. You looked out the window and saw Patrick yelling into the window of a car. Suddenly the car took off and Patrick was by himself. He grabbed his face and then turned and walked back into the building. You stood by the window until Patrick came.

"Hey, (y/n)..." Patrick whispered. "I'm really sorry about that."

"I can't do this Patrick...I can't see you two fight over me? What is that? That's something that happens in movies, not real life." You turned to face him. "That's childish. Patrick I want to go home," you said gently.

"Okay...I'm sorry," Patrick looked at the ground. He ordered you an Uber and you went home. 

You Are What You Love, Not Who Loves You (Patrick x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now