Chapter Forty four

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Ramadan began on a really glorious note and now we are half way, Alhamdulillah.

As i typed out the last of our weekly report my phone started ringing and i picked it up from the table beside my stack of files, i checked the caller Id and it was Halima. Seriously what does she want.. I picked the call putting it on loudspeaker and placing it back on the table so i can talk to her while doing my work.

"Assalamualaikum" came her voice from the other side.

"Walaikumsalam, Hali" i greeted as i continued typing on my laptop.

"Don't tell me your at the office?" She inquired.I could feel his eyes on me and that smirk, that evil smirk playing on his face.

"Where will i be if not the office or my house"

"Your working yourself too much" she whined..

"As the adage saying goes 'no food for lazy man', and am enjoying my job" i said wholeheartedly.

"Yeah, whatever and now for the main reason i called"

"Yeah, go on because i know you can just decide to call me without any reason"

"Whatever, so i want you to bring the kids to iftar at my house later today"she requested...

"I will think about it" i smirked..

"Nothing to think about, i already asked Riya but she said she's going somewhere also"

"Okay, we will come"

"Let me go and start cooking, i have a lot of guests" she chimed.

"What about your cousin?" I inquired..

"You mean Alisha, she's fine"

"Bye, i have some important documents to send, see you later"

"So your work is more important than me, we shall see" she boomed and hung the call. I just shock my head chuckling wondering how Harun managed to keep his sanity with her around.

I got back to work and by 4pm i was done. I quickly cleared my desk and headed home.

"Raliya please come help, i don't know what to wear" Riya shouted from her room upstairs because i was downstairs watching islamic channel with both Nabila and Najib.

"She have been searching her wardrobe for the past two hours but still" Najib mumbled.

"Her wardrobe will last me five years and I wont have to worry about anything"he added and i chuckled, i stood up from my seat and strutted up the stairs and towards her room.

I entered her room and it was a mess, clothes everywhere. She sat down on her bed covered with millions of clothes around her and some on her laps. She just stared at her half empty wardrobe. I shuffled around all the clothes on the floor making my way to where she sat. I placed a hand on her shoulder and she looked up to meet my gaze, i gave her a reassuring smile.

"I don't know why am this stressed about it, please help" she quaked, truth be told i have never seen her this worried only during exams after she have written a paper and shes expecting to fail.

"Lets see, what do we have here" i said looking at the clothes on the floor and bed. I picked up a pair of black jeans and a white shirt with a picture of a black hello kitty from the bed. I picked an ash and black kimono from the floor by my leg and placed them together. I lumbered to her wardrobe and carried a black veil with black round balls placed around them, i held everything in front of her and she examined it, taking in the full look.

Petals Of A Flower #wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now