Chapter fifty four

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The bridal shower/henna ceremony was a blast. My Instagram kept on blasting with notification all night it became frustrating. My friends will post tagging me and their friends will also post tagging me as well.

Today started in a very frustrating way. So all my family decided it will be wonderful to come for my wedding. Irritating. Mostly because it's my Dad's side. Our relationship with my Dad's family was very rocky especially with my paternal grandmother. The least I can say is that she hates our guts. According to the woman my mum stole her son from her. According to my mum she was too controlling and my Dad never liked that but he still tried to give in to some of her demands.

Immediately she came, she started complaining about the way we spent too much money on the wedding.

"This curtains are new right, they look too expensive." She complained examining the curtains in my room.

Excuse me lady but is it your curtain.

I really wanted to say it. I kept quiet because of the respect I have for her.

"And how can you keep this much pillows when your not going to live here again after today." She complained again.

This is really becoming annoying.

"Grandma how was your trip, I heard the roads are really bad because of the rain?" I tried to plaster a smile on my face. The keyword tried.

"How will you know, when you and your mother are here enjoying good life you forgot you have someone in the village" she snapped. Seriously she was really getting on my nerves. My mum made it a point to call her at least twice a week and at the end of each month she has a monthly allowance. She's just being really ungrateful.

"Okay Hajiya" I responded.

She soon quietly left my room and I sighed in relief. My cousins Aliya, Amina, Rukkaya and Asmau sauntered back in.

"How was your meeting with the miniature devil?" my cousin Aliya asked.

"You know when your getting married and your expecting your Grandmother to shower you with gifts, lets just say is the exact opposite that happened" I explained slumping down on my bed with a heavy sigh.

"Sorry babe" Rukkaya stated with a remorseful sigh. I was already used to it. That's why I am closer to my mums family than my Dads even though the few I know personally are amazing people.

"Enough about the woman, about tomorrow!!!" Asmau squealed in excitement and doing jazz hands. Thinking about tomorrow made heat rise up to my face and I know they saw me smiling like a maniac so I immediately covered my face with a pillow.

They all erupted into a fit of "Awww's"

"I need to get married" Amina sighed and the others chuckled at her behaviour.

"But seriously though your husband to be is crazy about you, he's a practicing and good Muslim, he can keep you happy. What else?" Asmau added in a serious tone. I mumbled an Alhamdulillah thanking God for blessing me with someone like him.

"Your one lucky b***h if you don't know already" Rukkaya commented and the others mumbled in agreement. I just gave them a cheeky grin.  I don't know how the topic changed but they started talking about tomorrows dinner.

"All the dancing I missed during the bridal shower, I will redo everything tomorrow" Rukayya said and we all laughed at her excitement.

"For real though, we are going to show them that we didn't come to joke" Aliya teased and they nodded in agreement.

"Even the bride must dance" Amina said and I looked at all of them with my jaw almost grazing the floor.

"You must be joking, you know I won't dance. I can't even to save my life." I quaked.

"Shut up, we know you can dance so don't even dare deny it" Asmau warned.

I'm in trouble.

We talked for countless hours about everything well, it was mostly them teasing me about marriage and married life. After a while Halima, Mimi, Zahra, Hauwa and Riya joined in and it turned into a complete girls time. I loved spending time with them. We laughed at each others craziness.

Not necessary but I felt like adding it.

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