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Mika P.O.V

We were at the studio just hanging out with the band. I was sitting on the couch with a bad feeling down the pit of my stomach.

"Hey, Mika whats up with you?" Sasha said walking toward me

" nothing" I said kinda down

"And whats up with her?" Sasha said pointing to Vanessa who was excitedly texting on her phone with a huge smile on her face

"Oh that, she's been texting 'Alejandro' all week" I said looking a little annoyed

I guess Sasha noticed it too because then she asked me

"Mika, are you Jealous?" she said grinning

"Me! jealous! please I have no reason to be jealous!" I said looking at Vanessa

"Wait, you mean to tell me you have no feelings for Vanessa,not even a little bit?"she said folding her arms

"We'll I mean she my best friend it matters to me who she dates!" I said back

"Okay let me get this straight you guys are in a close friendship, always hang around each other, there's no romance between you two but it bothers you that she dates anyone?" she said putting her hands on her hips

"Yes"i said

"Oh that's just mess up and complicated" she said walking away

Whatever....What did she know anyways? thinking that I'm jealous of Alejandro?! I mean doesn't matter to me if Vanessa texts him, or dates him or...or..becomes a couple....

That's when I felt a 500 hundred pound block fell on me.

What if she does fall in love with him?

And goes off with him?

Then I won't have Vanessa anymore....

Vanessa P.O.V

Alejandro been texting me all these sweet things like

"Your a as beautiful as a Rose in the spring"


"Your eyes glimmer and shine like the stars"

He's soo Romantic....

"Hello Vanessa? anyone in there?" Somebody said but I didn't really pay attention

"Hello? earth to Vanessa" said Mika waving his hand in my face

"What? oh hi!" I said as I snapped out of my little Alejandro trance

"Come on we're leaving" Mika said heading out the door

"Okay" I said as I caught up to him

We got to the parking lot and I reached in my pocket

Where the keys!

I panicked! I started to check all my pockets.

"Looking for these?" Mika said from inside the car dangling the keys

"Why didn't you tell me you had the keys! I nearly had a heart attack!" I said heading to the car

"We'll you never asked" he smiled and started the car

I got in the car and tighten my seat belt.

"Don't worry I can do this."Mika said looking back as he backed up

"Worried?! who's worried?! I'm fine just being an safe...." I said looking back as he was backing up

The truth is I'm scarred to death! last time Mika drove we almost ended up at the bottom a lake! you know he's not the safest driver ever....

We'll we finally made it to the house! and only scratch and a dent in the bumper!

"We'll that could of been worse." Mika said getting out of the car

"This was your best compared to the others..." I said checking the car

"Shut up" he said as he entered the house

Mika P.O.V

"So are we gonna watch that movie?" she asked

"Yeah,I'm just gonna take a shower first." I said sitting on the couch

"But I was gonna take a shower..." she said taking her shoes off

"Oh than you can go first" I suggest

"No that's okay you go first."

"Really, you go first." I suggested again

"No,no that's all right you go first."

"I'm fine you can go ahead" I said laying on the couch

"Mmmm" she said rubbing her chin

Then she come close and whispered in my ear...

"Why don't we go together?..." She whispered

"Wha...wha....WHAT?!?!" I said as I jumped back

She started laughing

"Hahaha your face is bright red!" she said laughing her ass off

"Fine then" I responded bravely

"Wait what?" she said as stopped laughing

"You heard me. let's take a shower together!" I said getting up

Now her face was getting bright red!

"Mi..Mika that was joke!" she said all nervous backing up

"Too late you offered it!" I said getting closer

"No,no,no!" she said as she started to run to the bathroom

I chased after her

"No stay Back!" she said as she entered the bathroom and shut the door in my face

Then I leaned against the wall and started laughing

" sick pervert!" she yelled from the bathroom

Ha she's probably glowing red right about now......


"Huh?" I said getting up

I walked over to the couch and saw Vanessa's phone

She must of left it when she rushed to the bathroom...

It was a message...

As soon as I read it my whole mood changed....


Would you like to go out on a date?

Hey guys sorry for the long chapter I got a little carried away.... well thanks for reading hoped you liked it! and again I dedicate this book to te one and only Mika_Freak_ hopes she's reading! Oh also a BIG thanks to all the Mika Freaks reading and voting means sooo much to me that can't even put into words! thank you!❤️

We'll till next time😊

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