Chapter 11-What?!

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Mika P.O.V

Well me and Vanessa are back to our normal selfs. You know after that little Alejandro thing that happen last week.

But there's still something on my mind.

That feeling I've been getting lately. It's like nothing I ever felt before. It's like this stomach twirling,head bobbling, warm,fuzzy feeling I get sometimes...

And I have no idea what it is!It's so frustrating! I gotta figure it out on way or another because it's driving me crazy?!

so I decided to call Josh since apparently he's a some kinda 'expert' on these things. and plus he's like the only person I can talk to right now.

Some how I fell uncomfortable Talking about this to Vanessa.

So I told him to meet me at the cafe by the swan fountain in the morning.

I quickly got dressed. I put on a hoodie,some jeans and a pair of glasses. I don't want to be recognized and get ambushed by either a bunch of fans or paparazzi.

I quietly got out the house and drove off so I wouldn't wake up Vanessa. I went to swan fountain and saw josh there seating on a table outside the cafe.

"Hey" I waved at him

"*yawn....hello" josh said as he rubbed his sleepy eyes

I sat down across from him

"You know how early it is in the morning...." josh said as he took a sip of he's coffee

"Um....its 10:17?"

"Exactly, what did you want to talk about that was so important"

"We'll here's the thing I've been having these strange feelings and I honestly don't know what they are but I want to know. I came to you because you apparently know about these sorta things.."

Josh took another sip of his coffee and began to speak

"We'll it depends...when you get this feeling how do you feel like?"

"That's the thing! it's the most strangest thing in the world! I never felt like this before in my life! When I get this feeling I feel warm, my heart races, my palms get sweaty, I get this tingling feeling in my stomach.....i honestly don't know what it is"

"Mmmm....i see and when do you usually get this 'feeling'" josh asked

"Um.....i think it's kinda comes when I hang around......Vanessa?"

As soon as I said that josh almost spitted out he's coffee out.

"Woah, are you okay?" I asked

"Dude, do know what this means..." he said as he wiped some coffee drops from his face

"No...thats why I asked you!"

"Mika, you really the stupidest person in the world"

"Uh! why?"

"Because! you idiot,don't you see it!"

"See what?"

" o my god....dude! your in love with Vanessa!" josh said happily

"WHAT?!?!" I said shocked

"Vanessa! Me! in love!" I said

"Yes! the reasons your getting these feeling around her is because you LOVE her!"

"Me love her?" I said stupidly

"Yes! your in love with her! gosh! do I have to spell it out for you! L-O-V-E


"Your saying that I'm in love with Vanessa?!"I said still surprised

"Yes...." josh said annoyingly

"But! the question is do you REALLY love her?" josh said questionably

"Um....i..i don't know! I mean feelings now are all mixed up! I'm just so confused!" I said as I but my head on the table

"Hmmm" josh said thinking

"Ah! I got it! how about you ask her out on a date!" Josh said as he snapped his fingers

"A!" I stuttered

"Yeah! so if your confused about your feelings what better way to figure it out than putting it to the test!"

"Isn't that maybe a little too forward..." I added

" got I point there...well than just ask her out for dinner as a friend and see how that goes"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! come on man, you never know tell you try?"

"Mmm...fine. I'll do it tonight! Yeah I'm going to asks Vanessa!" I said cheerfully

"Okay, but if I was you I would get things ready now if your going to do it tonight." josh suggested

"Your right! I gotta go! K we'll bye! oh and thank you!" I said as I ran or say skipped to my car

I'm i really in love with Vanessa? Well I guess I'll find out tonight!

Hey guys so were getting to the more exciting part of the story! also thank you again for reading and voting. means a lot. Also again I dedicate this book to Mika_Freak_! she is a very good writer! You guys should check her books out!I hope she is enjoying the book. and I hope all you Mika lovers are to!


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