Hot pockets literally

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"I'm hungry." Stated a dumb-ass child who didn't have breakfast in 5 years. "I want hot pockets."

"Are you cold?" Asked the even dumber father. "Yes."

"Get a jacket."

"Jackets make me hungrier."

So the father got a match and a cold hot pocket.

It kinda made sense to the child but the child was dumb as fuck so who knows.

The child took the hot pocket and put it into her pocket. She could carry it anywhere. "Thanks dad-" The girl's brother zoomed into the room. "Dad, where's my fucking breakfast?" The girl didn't even care her brother used profanity.

Dad shrugged. "Who knows?"

Which is what the girl wondered too, because damn she was hungry.

"Me!" The brother took the match and lit up the girl's pocket. "Now THIS is a hot pocket."

And then the girl died.


Here lies



Cause of death: eating hot pockets

It was the girl's funeral and mom & dad divorced. The dad went on to be gay and the mom was single. And the girl's favorite food was now forever hot pockets.

The end

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