Tagging is a thing?!

20 3 13

Absolutely forgot about these stuff. Oh how fun those old days were...

1. Mention who you were tagged by


2. Say 3 facts about yourself

One- I have the most ... strange sibling ever.

Two- I scream gay almost everywhere

Three- I'm one of those girls that ships everything

3. Give the name of your social media

Currently Wattpad for now. I might get tumblr so who knows.

4. What's your favorite book

Every Pitcest oneshot/fanfic out there if that counts. If not maybe a Harry Potato book.

5. Got a crush

No, I'm underage ;-;

6. What's your real name


7. Draw a picture and post it

No thanks TwT

8. Say one thing that will happen in this book

I'll make Hot Pocket chapters (It started with "Hot pockets literally) and then form them into an actual story with a stronger plot.

9. Cat or dog

Cat OwO

10. Who's at home with you

Brother, Mom, Dad, Grandma, Uncle

11. Favorite animal


Woodpeckers maybe?

12. Tag as many people as you want






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