Chp. 1

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I wake up in a grassy field,nothing around me. Where am I ? I ask my self. And how did I get here? I stand up, the morning air is cold. The pounding headache hits me. I don't pay attention all I know is I have to get home! I see a road up ahead. I walk as fast as my body takes me. I walk what feels like hours. As I do I try as hard as possible to remember what happened that night. Whatever happened was not good, if I am here then where's Haley? I can't remember and it bothers me, a lot . All I can remember is Haley wanting me to go with her to a senior party. Finally I see a small building up ahead. I enter the building a man ask me if I was okay? Yes sir I said do u need help? Yes sir. Okay sit down right here and I'll be right back! Okay. I hear a song coming from some where. It's a catchy song it mentions someone I have never heard of God. They way the song talks about him he sounds wonderful. How he could work miracles or how he could save people.

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