20. Why do you?

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We got back to the tower about eight minutes later but I couldn't focus. When Pietro was shot he would've died but we got him back into our jet quick enough but we could only keep him stable he was in a coma.

"Where is he?" I asked running in seeing Pepper standing there waiting for me.

"Downstairs let's go. Wait is that Peter?" She lowered her voice her eyes moving between the two of us.

"Yeah," I mumble my cheeks heating up as we half jog through the center to an elevator Peter trailing slightly behind us keeping the same pace.

"It will be okay," She whispered rubbing my back slightly.

I looked up at her realizing she noticed my state and mouthed "thank you," at her. She just nodded knowing I was nervous.

"(Y/n)," Peter mumbles stepping up beside me grabbing my hand but not stopping me.

"Thank you for staying," I whisper not even loud enough for Pepper to here.

"Of course I did. Why wouldnt I?" He asks me concerned.

"Well you're the one always here for me when somethings wrong I've never really been there for you or helped and I just make everything ten times shittier do I not?" I ask rhetorically.

"(Y/n) I swear you're totally and utterly oblivious to how much I really love you," He mumbled into my ear. "I promise I'll never leave you. You've been there for me for more than you realise. I mean you've been there for me during my parents death even when we had just met you comforted me after Ben's death. We've been through some awful things but you've been the one always beside me during them and I will do whatever I can to repay that. I love you (Y/n)," He mumbled into my hair.

I was tearing up by the time he finished and I don't trust my voice so I just squeeze his hand trying to let him know.

We walked the rest of the way in silence and since it was only one floor below we took the stairs as it would be faster.

I could see Pepper smirking after looking between me and him maybe she heard him. Maybe she was smiling to herself to that fact I was holding hands with him.

There where guards at the end of the hallway by the door Pepper seemed to be aimed at.

As we got closer and the guards got a closer look at our faces and shifted around slightly on their feet.

"Miss you arent allowed in here," They moved in her way of opening the door.

I crossed my arms over my chest staring at the guards. Who did they think they were? She's the Pepper Potts. Tony Starks almost fiancée. I'm his daughter and they were keeping us from seeing my brother?

"I don't care I'm getting through my brothers in there and he's waking up after maybe twelve years so let me in or I'll make you let me in," I tell them after a moment of Pepper just staring at them and Peter looked a bit shocked.

"I'm sorry ma'am can't let you in," The other guard told us directed at me.

"I'm sorry about this," I said under my breath before pushing them aside without even touching them. Opening the doors the same way.

"(Y/n)? Are you okay? Why wouldn't they have let you in?" Peter was asking me but I turned to Pepper.

"What was that about?" I asked her hurriedly as we walked a quicker pace than before.

"I don't know but we'll get it sorted out after this but I think you need to see him first. Especially if he's waking up then that wont matter for now but we'll figure out why they don't want us here probably fire them too," she told me her voice was fierce she wa smad at what had happened but just as nervous as me.

"Bruce?" I called just as I saw him. He was outside a door I could only think held Pietro in it but seemed deeply focused on something.

"Ah (Y/n) you're here so I need to talk with you about this first. So when Pietro was shot however many years ago we got him to the jet fast enough but he had lost too much blood. What we had done was not exactly like a man-nade coma like one we've showed you before but this was basically we told his neurons that to be fixed they have to shut the body down and that will make the coma last longer usually so we did all the surgeries to fix everything but we can't test if he still has his powers or not," He told me still scrolling for the little Stark pad that held all of Pietro's information.

"The normal healing rate after waking up from the average few day coma is about four weeks right?" He just nodded in response. "Well he's got increased metabolism and improved homeostasis right? Wouldn't either of those help his recovery?" Answered with another nod.

"But we can't find out if he still has his powers like we can with you. We can't even test Wanda's powers like we do yours and it's because something changed in Strucker's lab that day it's like he didn't care what happened to you he was drawing us to the fight by taking you but after that he didnt need you so you were basically the lab rat for his experiment. That's why you can still get more powers and you were so young that's why you cant fully controlled them since he didn't want you in battle he just wanted to test it before it got to his real subjects," He ended his long winded speach as I nodded slightly.

"I never really questioned it like that I just tried to block it out kinda. Can-can I go see hi-him?" I asked my voice suddenly breaking remembering ghe time when I was much younger once again.

"Yes but the others are in there too and do you remember Dr. Cho um Helen Cho? You were pretty young last time she was-," I cut him off.

"Of course I do she saved Clint how could I forget?" I ask sarcastically forgetting Pepper and Peter are here too by know.

"Oh and Bruce?" I say quietly before hugging him. "Thank you for saving my brother," I whisper before letting go.

Peter walks beside me after moment of me just staring at the door.

He wrapped his fingers in mine and gave me a reassuring squeeze before I looked back at him. I just nodded and we walked in.

(A/n I'm sorry this chapter is so short it's only 1126 words and I feel like you guys deserve more but also I want to build anticipation so... sorry I guess? Yesterday would have been Stan Lee's 96th birthday but sadly he was not here to celebrate with us so I tried to get this chapter out as soon as possible in his memory. I'm really sorry that lately my chapters have either taken too long to come out or have been really shitty like this one. I don't have a real excuse like I would give my friends but that's all just bs so here this one is I hope you like it! Love you❤!

[EDITING] Red And Blue Looks Good On You (Peter Parker X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now