32. Dad

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Doors slammed every which way and soon I could hear the beeping of machines. Quickly someone took my shirt off and scissors clipped through what I assum was the bloodied wrap around my stomach.

"(Y/n) can you hear me?" Bruce's voice asked. I couldn't speak so I moved my head slightly hoping he understood.

"Going to take that as a yes. We need to put you under and do your surgery. You'll wake up in no time," Bruce explains. They can't do that. I won't wake up and I know it. There's no way. I try to shake my head and move my arms but I can't move enough. Hardly anything does but I think my head rocks a little. Wanda! Wanda please get down here I need you please. I'm crying again but I can't blink them away this time. I feel them slip out and run down my face quickly.

I try to shake my head again but it's still only a few nods. "Bruce she's crying," Dad says and his voice cracks.

Please don't put the anesthesia in yet please. Wanda please hear me. Please come tell them do something please.

Slowly, and quite painfully I lifted my arm up but only a little bit and tried to move something but I was to drained to do anything.

Slowly the syringe was pulled to my elbow crease and and I got a pinch that wasnt near as bad as my stomach but soon enough everything went black and I'm not too sure I'll wake back up.

(Seven hour time skip. I hope that's enough. I don't know medical stuff)

Someone helped me up from the bed and I knew they were trying to help but I didn't want it. "(Y/n)? Would you like to walk around?" The man asked. I recognized his voice but I had barely looked at his face. Hey! I know you! At least I think I do.

"Who... who er you?" I slurred.

"Eh it's Tony (Y/n) but you usually call me 'dad'," the man, who's name was apperantly Tony, said with a sorrowful voice.

"Dad?" I asked as I slowly took his hand to pull myself up.

"One and only," he laughed but it didn't sound right.

"Well... what happened to me? Where am I?" I ask the man I have no memory of.

"Well," he began as I walked out of the room I assumed was a hospital bedroom. "About a week ago you were in an elavator crash with Bucky and you got hurt pretty bad. Today you left school with your friend and the stitches broke and you lost a lot more blood than a normal person could take but you held through it and I'm not surprised you've always been really strong (Y/n)," 'Dad' finished.

"It doesn't feel like it. This hurts like a bitch," I said quietly.

"Heh yeah trust me it'd hurt a lot more if it weren't for your powers," he told me.

"Can I get painkillers? As I said, this hurts like a bitch," I told him gripping my side.

"Yeah when we get back to your room I'll hook you up to a drip."

"I don't like it in there too much. I just wanna go to sleep."

"Wanna go back up to our living spot? I know you hate the 'hospital smell'," he tells me and I chuckle a bit despite the pain.

"How'd you know?" I say with a small laugh.

"Like I said, I'm your dad kiddo. Don't worry you're anesthesia will wear off soon and you'll remember more stuff," he told me and patted my shoulder a little.

"Please," was all I said before we stopped in the room I had woken up in and he grabbed a few things including a morphine drip and a stand for it.

"You care 'bout walking around with this?" He asked.

"Nah but.. can I get some shorts at least? I dont like walking around with my underwear on display all that much," I tell him.

"Oh yeah! Bucky brought down some stuff for you earlier here it's over here," he mumbled before walking towards a corner with a chair in it. "Here are the shorts. I can carry the other stuff if you'd like," he told me as he handed me the soft clothing. I turned around and quickly pulled them up and pulled my gown a little tighter.

"Here. This is gonna pinch a little 'kay?" He told me as he picked up the needle and help my arm up by my hand. Slowly he pushed the needle into my wrist and put the tape over it. The he connected the gauge (I believe that's the word. Correct me if wrong) to the other part that allows the medicine to drip into me.

I grabbed the metal pole holding up my bag of medicine as we began to walk. Soon enough we had gotten to a main exit and there was a glass elavator a few feet over. Slowly we shuffled over to it and the doors opened immediately.

"Your floor (y/n)?" A voice asked and I jumped not knowing where it came from.

"What the fuck is that!" I shout.

"Kid that's F.R.I.D.A.Y. she- it's an AI and the voice came from just about anywhere. It can come from any room but if she's not notifying you of something you have to call her. You have your personal AI it's name is n/n," he says with an amused voice.

"Oh okay," I say as the elavator begins to move. "So, why can't I remember.. well stuff?" I ask.

"Um so when we did surgery on you we had to use more anestisa than we expected cause your body was fighting it," he explained. "The medicine hasnt fully worn off yet but after you take a nap or something it'll come back to you."

"Okay," is all I say.

We end up at a place with a nice looking living room and I sit on the couch. "You uh, you should probably sleep out here for now so we can keep an eye on you," he tells me.

(Tony's P.O.V.)

She sat down and slowly nodded off. Bucky came in and sat at the kitchen island. "She gon' be alright?" He asked staring at the apple in his hand.

"Yeah. She's gonna hurt like shit tomorrow but we had to use special stitches so that they dissolve quicker or else she'll grow around them and her body will get messed up from it."

"Okay," he replied and turned around and looked at her. "She's changed a lot but she still looks exactly like she did when she was little huh?" He told me.

"Yeah. Nothimg much has changed really," I tell him.

Word count : 1138

(A/n Hi guys!! So this chapter might take a while to upload because I'm going to get as close as I can to finishing the next chapter to clear things up with what happened because ya know... I dont like cliffhangers either. I mean it's fun to hurt characters but it's not fun stopping write after something important happens and you don't get to see the aftermath. I hope you've all been well. Thank you so much for reading! Love you guys!❤)

[EDITING] Red And Blue Looks Good On You (Peter Parker X Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ