25. Thank you

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                      (Y/n)'s P.O.V.
Everything was black. I couldn't move either. Was this a dream? I don't think I can open my eyes but I hear this like beeping sound almost. I can't breath right. I don't like this I need to get out of here I need to move. Please let me out come on. It felt like everything was moving but I can't control it and it wont stop. Juat let me out please. Please. I can't do this I can't breath please.

                     (Tony's P.O.V.)

God I can't lose her not again. She's crying? No that can't be she's in a coma. "Bruce she's awake look," I mumbled tapping my colleague on the shoulder.

"You can't cry in a coma she's awake!" I shouted again. "Can we wake her?  Now?" I asked him unsure what to do at the time.

"Maybe but it may have more traumatic affects one her brain waking her up unnaturally but we can try," Bruce spoke lightly.

Grasping her hand lightly I bent over so I was level with her. I shook her shoulder lightly and I felt her grip my hand rather than before when it was the other way around. "C'mon baby wake up you gotta," I mumbled. Her eyes were shutting more tightly and her chest was moving faster.

She started to move slightly then all at once her eyes opened and she was gasping for air. Clutching her throat making her bleed from the spot to IV was in her arm at. "Bruce will you get her other arm?" I said struggling to just to hold one arm down.

"Yeah," he mumbled with no other response.

"(Y/n) it's okay. Hey hey hey it's okay it's just me I promise you'll be okay. I'm right here," I said and as her arm relaxed I moved one hand off of her arm to hold her hand instead.

"Dad" she asked questioningly. "Where am I? Why does everything hurt?" She asked trying to lift her head up but ended up groaning in pain.

"Honey do you not remember?" Not answering she just shook her head. "You and Bucky were in the elavator and something cut the cords. You've been out for two days," I explained to her.

"That's not possible. Wait Bucky was with me? Is he okay?" She shouted her  face falling into a worried expression.

"(Y/n) Bucky was the one who carried you down to us. The most that happened to him was a fractured wrist. You were unconscious for three days. Someone had targetted you," Bruce spoke lightly.

"Oh. Oh my god I remember. Something... something went off like a little ping in the back of my head. I knew something was happening. How?" I asked looking between the two.

"Remeber after you got but by the spider I said you would have this kind of power and I didnt know how to describe it so I said "spider sense? That's what I meant. All of your senses themselves have been enhanced but you can sometimes get this little like tick going off in the back of your brain saying something is wrong. Does that make any sense?" I asked her.

"Not really but okay. Can I see the others? Does Peter know where I am?" I asked.

"I'll let the others come back here in a few minutes and Peter he stayed up until about an hour ago he didn't want to leave you (Y/n) he's a pretty good guy, quiet one too. He was a nervous wreck (Y/n) I think he really does care. Oh by the way after the three days of being here and not speaking to his Aunt we had her call Wanda. Not one hundred percent sure what she said but I think she told her everything," I nodded. Just then Fury walked in.

"What's up Nickolas!" (Y/n) shouted.

"I told you you needa stop calling me that kid! How have you seen Carol and not me!" He half shouted half laughed at her.

[EDITING] Red And Blue Looks Good On You (Peter Parker X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now