What happend

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Alex: Y/N, we need to go to the doctor, I set an appointment, it's start in like 1 hours.

You: ok, I'll just grab my purse, Brandon are you coming???

Brandon: Duhhh that my niece/ nephew, or both idk but yeah

Alex: ight let's go

At the hospital

Doctors; hey, Ms.Westenbrug so How long have you know your pregnant

You; I took a pregnancy test about 4 weeks ago

Doctors; so if you are pregnant your a month, so do you want to know the gender

Alex; yes
You: no

Doctors; wait yes or no

Alex; no
You; yes

Brandon: omfg just tell us

Doctors:ok well it's a .......

Wait did he just say? I don't think he meant that, omfg am I dreaming, it can't be!.?

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