The sale

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~Error's POV~
"I'm only going to this 'sale' because Nighare said this was something it was worth doing...but since when was he my boss?" I tell myself as I walk into the building that loomed in front of me. It was hard to see from how dark it was, but my eyes adjusted quickly enoigh for me to see Nightmare waiting to greet me.
"Welcome, Error. I'm glad that you decided to come...I think you'll like what I have for you..." Nightmare said to me, adding a smirk at me like he was in power.
"I only came because you said it would be worthwhile to me...which was my descision in the first place, you know." I shot back at him. His smirk faded, but he quickly regained himself, adding "And you came running." I could beat him in fights,  but he was good at shooting some stuff at ya.
I sighed, knowing that just talking with Nightmare was doing me no good. "Fine. Sure. Lead me to this thing Im "gonna love." I replied to him. Nightmare laughed, then called Cross to bring him 'the prize'.
~Inks POV~ (bet u didnt expect that one huh? Jk totally expexcted)
I awoke to a dark room,  my hands bound to my sides and my legs chained also. I started to struggle in my bindings, but stopped when I heard the clicking of a door. Light filtered into the room,  momentarily blinding me. Cross appeared at the door, and he smirked at me. He started to move towards me, and I snarled at him, trying to warn him off. He didnt stop. So I started to yell also, trying to get the message across (lol pun intended). Next thing I know, my mouth is bound.  I start to struggle and kick out,  and my legs meet bone, cracking Cross's tibia. He cautiosly grabs the end of the chains where Im out of his reach, and he drags me out of the room. I struggle more, letting out muffled whines and shouts.
~Error's POV~
I saw a slighly smaller skeleton being dragged into the light by Cross. She was gagged, only allowing muffled noises to escape.  Her eyes were red targets, but then her eyes changed. This interesting skeleton was obviously mad. I turned towards Nightmare,  who was smirking. "Who is this?" I asked him.
"MMF" The smaller skeleton replied.
I laughed, kneeling down to peer into this skeleton's eyes. They turned instantly green (that means fear), which confused me. So I took the gag out of her mouth, teelling her that if I did, then she could only answer questions or the gag would be back on. She nodded, so I let it slip off.
"So, what is your name?" I asked her.
"My name is Ink." She spat out at me.
"You're a funny little skeleton, aren't you,  Ink?" I said to her. Without response, I got up and turned to Nightmare.  "How much is she?" I asked him.
"Five grand." He replied.
I laughed. "That little for her? Sure, I'll take her off your hands." I replied, adding mockingly haughtily, "Wow, you are obviously bad at sales, but you obviously dont care. Huh.. Nightmare, not caring? Thats new.."
"Shut up and take her before I change my mind " Nightmare snarled at me.
I laughed, being reassured that I could still get the better of him. Not wanting to argue any more, I pulled 5 grand out of my pocket anf handed it to Nightmare. "I'll take her." I told him.

~Ink's POV~

I was heaved up and then carried into the back of a relatively fancy car. All I saw before I passed out was the black goopy squidish guy giving Error some sort of syringe filled with a light minty colored liquid, and Error climbing into the car, reaching back towards me and feeling a sharp pain in my neck. 

       Then everything faded black.

Also this is my first story, you can make jokes about me misspelling things, but no giving me shit in the comments about how this sucks along with my spelling. If you are plabning to do that, just leave now.)

~goodbye fellow sinners~

I'm Your Master ~Ink x Error lemon~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang