A Bad Day Last A Long Time

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Our story starts with an unhappy Hoseok...


I touched my face in the mirror, I tried to splash water on my face, I tried to eat and nothing seemed to happen...
I looked down "Everything will be fine, Hobi." I said to myself "Maybe I'm having an off day." As for some reason I could not smile today.
Even my parents noticed it, they whispered that it may have been a fluke and that tomorrow I will be better.

That is what I hoped.
I had a cloud over my head
I was shaded blue.
My mouth wouldn't form a smile anymore
I wanted to feel happy again.

"What is wrong with him," one by one my friends stopped hanging out with me.
One by one, crying became part of my schedule.
I missed it, I missed it.
"We should call a doctor." My mother reassured me that everything will be okay very soon "We're going to get you help, Hoseok. You're going to be happy again. I promise."

But was it too late?
"Meet me at the back of the school."
Was I in too deep? Was I becoming dependent.
The little pill only made everything go away for hours, but when I woke up the sadness was peaking through my door once again.
"They're only five dollars a bag. 100 pills in each, do that math, Hobi." There was always that one bad friend that gave us the bad things that we wanted to feel good about.

But as I sat in the waiting room chair, I felt myself itching for it. I ate it like candy. When I first tried it, it was bitter. Soon, it became sweet.

I slipped it in my mouth and sighed, sinking into my chair.
"Yeah, Mom And Dad I'll be home soon. Love you." I opened my eyes to see a familiar face.
Kim Namjoon... The Valedictorian at my school.


I closed my eyes when my pencil broke, retrieving another one I got right back to work. It was midnight, I reminisced about the time when I was a kid, looking at the stars and wished that everything was simpler.
I wished I could do something else and be an average teenager.
I closed my notebook "Done," and pulled out another one, but this one was more special to me.

My Dream Book, I called it.
I smiled, writing gracefully on the paper like I did every night.
"What do I dream for now?"

I dream for friends.
I dream of a life without pressure.
I dream I can write forever and not be pushed to do something else.
I dream... To really be Kim Namjoon.

I crossed out my name, I hated it...
Joon, for now, will do.
It sounds like June. A month where the happiness of summer starts to begin.
Am I happy? Of course I am, I have a lot to be happy about.
So what is wrong... Dig deep.

I wanted to do things. I wanted to be free. It seems like I was trapped with everyone else goals.
The goals they had for me, and not on themselves.

Did they want me to be perfect or something?
Did they want me to be some golden child?
I feel as if I'm going to break like my pencil from earlier. Haha.
Maybe I need help. Let loose. Yay.

I opened my laptop, "I'm going to do what I want. I need control of my life for once." I had two tabs open...

WWW. Pianolessonsforcheap.com
WWW. Therapisttoday.org/seoul

"Yoongi will do."

It took some time to set up a therapist without my parents knowing, when I walked into the office I was close to ending a phone call. I looked down seeing that one kid from school, what's his name? Ho-Hoseok! Yeah.
He always looked so happy when I saw him in the hallways, I guess we all have our mask.

"Hey Hoseok." I waved, his eyes were low when he waved back "You're that dude, Namjoon right?" I shook my head "No, Just Joon." He nodded "So what is the Valedictorian doing at a place like this?"
"What is a happy man doing in a place like this?" I asked, sitting down next to him.

"I'm not happy, not anymore." Hoseok said quietly "And I'm just stressed." I added.

Over the weekend I made my way to Daegu, something that also wasn't easy. I've never been to Daegu before, but I've heard swirling rumors.
"It's hot to you, no?" Yoongi shook his head, taking my jacket and placing it on the rack.
He guided me to the piano and opened up sheet music. I saw the name "JIMIN" written on the book "Ugh..." Yoongi flipped the page roughly "Let's begin, Joon."


The wooden door was knocked on "Come in," I said and Jimin walked in. He's been a student of mine for two weeks but we never end up practicing, just talking until his time is up and I have the next student.

"Hey Yoongi!" He gave me a hug, something I wasn't really fond of but from him it felt natural "You smile so hard, can you even see?"
"Shut up." He sat down next to me, reaching inside his bag "I got you these gummy worms. They reminded me of you and also some food from the restaurant."
"Thank you,"
"Don't mention it, Yoongi."

We shared food, as it was a bit too much for me. Jimin stood up and grabbed the song book "What songs remind you of me?"
"Hmmm... Mozart Sonata 17 in C-" he wrote his name in the page "It's called JIMIN now."
Did he just.
Yes he did.

"I wonder how your friends feel about you."
"Well you tell me."
I looked at him, and thought for a second "You're very short, but I am too. Your smile is contagious. Your loose clothing really suits you, but sometimes I am afraid you're too frail looking, but then you eat like this and I second guess myself. Your eyes are sad... But you're happy? My timer beeped, "Times up!" Jimin said.

He waved goodbye and gathered all his things, leaving the building quickly.
I picked up the book and flipped it to "JIMIN" I smiled, rubbing my thumb over the print.
Was it wrong?
Was it more?
The door knocked again, as I saw my new student "it's hot to you, no?" Joon asked and I simply shook my head taking his jacket off.

When we sat down I stared at the page before flipping it to the next song "Let's begin, Joon."


I smiled, going over what Yoongi said until the part with the "sad eyes" made me drop my smile. The sun was about to set and I had an hour until I reached home.

Was it that obvious
How depressing I was?
How lonely and desperate I was for a friend?
Does Yoongi even want to be my friend?

I got a text from one of the employees

Jungkook: Hey I'm closing up early tonight
Jimin: Okay. Have a nice night :)

That smile was fake, but I wanted to seem polite. The only time I truly smile is with Yoongi, those are the days I looks forward to.


I rushed home and when I saw the tall tan figure in the distance I ran even faster.
"KOOK!" We hugged each other tightly, I lead him to the front door "My grandma is probably sleep right now, so we have to be a bit quiet." I took his suitcase and lead him to my room, closing the door behind us.
"I have a lot of plans for us, you're gonna want to forget about the country once you step foot into the city life." Taehyung smiled "I doubt it,"

Taehyung and I became pin pals over the summer, and ever since we've been friends. He was visiting me finally.
When we are talking, and now that we are together, there is never a bad day...


While Jungkook was sound asleep, the tall figure was outside on his driveway.
I was paralyzed in where I sat, I tried to analyze the figure as much as I could but I wouldn't do much without seeing his face.

"Tae... Tae what are you doing?" Jungkook looked at the window, and for a moment sat quietly "You see him too?"

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