The Tall Man I See

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The man in the grass was once there before
Time and Time again, he fixes their past mistakes but this time he is often stuck in place.
The man opens doors of the universe
to finally see his friends happy, putting himself in and out of equations.
"What if I'm in and out. They'll never interact with me, but.... I will be there."
His first were Taehyung, Yoongi, and Jungkook.
"They can meet first and then..." Moving the pieces on the board and whispering for Yoongi's forgiveness "Then your mother will...Will be..." He sighed, it didn't work if he didn't speak it out loud "Will die." He finally said.

He moved on to the next three...
"You're usually really happy with these things, I thought you could have a harsh start this time." Hoseok will be sad this time after a while, and Namjoon "You're such a bendable character, I made you into a lot of things, but maybe we can change that. Crave to be out of that spotlight instead of wanting to be in it." And then Jimin "Aww," He didn't want to do this, but it had to be done "We'll strip you of friends and replace neglect. Confidence will dwindle and be replaced with insecurity," He hoped Jimin could forgive him for this, he was use to being in a white utopia with all these equations.

He leaned back in his chair "Well, it's time again." He packed all his clothing and images of his friends, putting his camera in a separate bag "From here on, I have minimum control. Please work out."

Why did he do this?
Because Seokjin wanted the best for his friends.


"Welcome back, Hoseok." My doctor said leading me into his office "Do you want some water?" I shook my head, but Doctor Jang got one for himself. He sat across from me and flipped the pages on his clip board "So, everything been alright? Anything new?"

I shook my head. This was pointless, I didn't even know why I felt this way, it just happened.
And I can't tell him I take pills, he'll tell my parents for sure.
So what do I say? What do I do?
"Well there's this one guy, Joon, We've talking since Monday."
"When did you meet?"
"Friday. We met here."
"So you two go to the same school I figure?" Doctor Jang wrote everything down "Yeah, he's Valedictorian."
But he's more.

"Joon is a nice guy, very creative and that's something we have in common. When we talk I don't... Fidget or get nervous."
"Do you smile?"
"No, but he smiles at me a lot, and I hope he can understand that."
I looked at the Calendar, it was Wednesday and I was to meet again on Friday- the same day as Joon's appointments.

"What do you see in the future with him?"
"I hope we can stay as friends."


"Come on, let me go." Taehyung said, I wanted him to stay with me "Please, just... Stay."
"I have parents I have to see, Kook. When I get home, I'll text you." I nodded, letting him go and get on his train.
I'll be fine. Stop crying. I smiled as the train began to move, seconds later he was gone.

I began to walk home, feeling my phone buzz from a message from Jimin.

Jimin: Kook, can you help me?


The soft piano played in the background as I closed my notebooks, it was eleven and I smiled at myself that I finished my homework early.
I got a video call from Hoseok "Why would be be calling so late?" I swiped to answer the call, propping up my phone to give myself a great view.

"Hey, Joon. What are you doing?"
I looked left and right "About to sleep."
"Oh... Sorry, I just needed to talk to someone right now until I fall asleep."
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing, I'm just anxious that's all."
I put all my notebooks away, picking up my phone and laying down on the bed "Maybe... You should find an outlet. My therapist says that's really healthy. It helps with anxiety, depression, addiction, all that stuff." I said, "I don't know what to do."

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