🌹5: Orgel 💔

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Dear Hani,

   Did you ever feel anything for me? Did you ever have true feelings for me?

   Because just an hour ago my sister came to visit me.

   She told me that she didn't want to speak about you. It brings her too much sadness.

   But you know how I'm like. I didn't leave her alone and rudely begged her to tell me everything between yours and hers friendship.

   She started crying. I mean who wouldn't. She was ur bsf since birth really. Ofc she would be sensitive to talk about you.

    But I didn't get why she would still cry every single day and it's been six years for damn sake.

     She should already know how to control her emotional hormones by now. She still doesn't know how to.

I got really suspicious as to why.

She mourns for you just like I do.

I mourn for you the way a husband would mourn over the death of his wife or husband.

The way someone would ache for their lover.

Not a friend.

But a lover.

Now I truly understand why you never had an interest in me.

I'm not trying to be cocky but there were SO many girls trying to get at me.

I was no ugly guy and I still am not.
I've always been pretty attractive.

Everyone thought we looked like such a great couple.

I agreed with them too.
But you didn't.

I didn't think you were rude for it.

I just thought that you didn't want anyone because it would get in the way of you and your perfumes.

Or your single life.

But I was wrong.

I was SO wrong .

I misunderstood you.

Everyone did.

I was selfish to think that I was the only one to truly understand you.

No one could and no one can.


I know almost everything about you.

But not how you felt or reacted to when everything happened.

That's why we must not judge others so quickly.

I thought that the only thing that mattered to you was your sweet ol'perfumes.

I mean they did matter to you but there's always the two main things in life that matter to someone the most.

Not one but two.
Like second chances.

For you it was scents and......


I didn't think you could ever love someone but you did.

You learnt to love.

And I'm glad for that.

I did sound so ridiculous by saying that you and I would've been perfect for each other before.

We could've never worked out.

Not because you didn't like me or because I didn't fit your ideal type.

But simply because I wasn't........

The right gender.

  I've now come to the conclusion that you were into girls the whole time.

And you tried to let me down the whole time.


Only because you were in love with her....

The whole motherfucking time you were in love with my sister.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2020 ⏰

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