I got tagged & announcement

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Hey guys Nighttideplayz here and first off I want to apologize for not really writing the story yet...

I've been really busy with school and the work as I'm in an advanced learning program and tend to be really busy.

Along with that my schedule is usually full with debating, soccer, music and other things such as a program I do called dream big.

I have started to write the first chapter but I'm still to busy to continue writing it. As well as that I have been writing this dystopian story that I plan on working on as I have really enjoyed writing it.
So for now I guess the story is on temporary hiatus until I'm able to spend my time on the actual story.

And yes I know that it's school holidays and I probably have time to work on it but I have been excepted into a university program that I will be doing on the school holidays.

Now this brings me to a bug question

Should I post my dystopian story on wattpad?

I feel that it would be something I could write that would be updated a bit more than my other books and something that would go for a while.

So let me know your thoughts and now onto the next bit!!!

Thank you kyouten5 for the tag!

So ten facts about myself then

1- I am actually 14 years old. Not that big but this would probably be the only time I mention this

2- I actually got into the advanced learning program because i had potential... Well seeing as I'm still alive means something

3- I love the Harry potter series. And my friend know this also

4- I am mainly a hufflepuff but has also gotten like every other house...

5- I'm probably one of the quietest kids in my class. And no not because we are advanced because my class is probably one of the loudest classes in the school.

6- I tend to be shy and I lack self confidence... I do wellbeing for this

7- I love anime!!! My favorite is of course inazuma eleven!

8- My fav character in Inazuma eleven are:
Inazuma eleven- Endou or Kazemaru
Inazuma eleven go- Shindou or Tenma
Inazuma eleven cs- Fei
Inazuma eleven galaxy- pixie XDXDXD
Inazuma eleven ares- can't choose I love all of them

9- I love RWBY and kingdom hearts sooooooo much!!! (Who's ready for Kingdom hearts 3)

10- I play soccer for a under 16s and women's team

11- (Girl watcha doin it's meant to be ten) My favorite color is purple

12- As cringey as it sounds I'm a original musically person! I joined when ticktock was still musically and before it got meme attacked (somehow got over I hundred fans by one video)

Now I will tag people


Yes not to many people but I'm lonely...

Hey here's a prank you can do on your friends!!!

Make them say alpha
Then say kenny
Then either body or one

After that make them say it altogether in one quick sentence to see the magic

Thanks ticktock for that one and sorry  if you don't get it and if you do.... I'm sorry


Break him out of his shell- Inazuma eleven go story *discontinued* *Adopted*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt