Chapter 1. The Unexpected

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Eve, climbed into her tree house with hot chocolate in hand and a blanket in tow. It was a brisk fall morning and she awoke early to write before having to go downtown to the office. She's a well known writer, with her own column for a popular magazine called , ' Talk It Out'; They share  the latest gossip, from the newest celebrity weddings, to sex changes. Eve's column was called Forbidden; it was her own little corner to give advice, set up blind dates, and blog about her own personal life. People were still raving over her last break up . There had been so much going on in her life lately that she barely got time anymore to catch up on her personal writing. At the time she was working on a book; usually, she just wrote poems to her heart's desires, but this time she wanted to challenge herself. That wasn't working out so well; seeing as she didn't even have a title yet.

Sighing, she sat in her comfy bean bag chair and grabbed her laptop dusting it off with her finger-less glove clad hands. Blank. The page and her mind were both completely blank . Nothing seemed to inspire her these days.

"Meow."  Looking down she saw her  pet cat, Gramps. She picked him up sitting him on top of the keyboard of her laptop, and stroked his fur as he purred.

"Hey, baby." She cooed," I can't seem to start, nonetheless finish this damned thing ." Huffing she watched the cold air blow from her lips and put Gramps down, despite his protest of clinging on to her with his claws, and grabbed her hot chocolate taking a sip.

Feeling eyes on her she turned to the suspect; Gramps was currently giving her the evil eye and acting snooty. She put the mug down smacking her lips, "You're such a drama king, I have work to do Gramps ." he just turned his head from her curling into a ball. Shaking her head she blew out a breath "The saddest thing in the world is when your only friend is a cat and even he gets pissed at you."

Sure, she had acquaintances, but she wouldn't dare call those snake-eyed whore bags at the office 'friends'. She knew they hated on her secretly. Talked about her when she walked out of the room, and even tried to sabotage her career a few times. Her career couldn't be touched though, but her ex-boyfriend, now that's another story. Those catty winches got their hands all over him. Well, at least one did. Eve couldn't believe the woman had the nerve to be offended that she drug her name through the mud by posting every detail about the scandalous hookups they were having behind her back on the internet. They knew better. Evette was not the one to hold her tongue, plus it was a great story for the readers, despite it being about her horrendous relationship problems. Good thing she didn't love the guy, not yet anyway, but she was beginning to. 'Nipped that in the butt' she thought to her self.

Not letting Gramps take up any more of her time she cracked her neck and started writing.

"Okay... where Shall I began."

The beginning duh.

"Let's be honest.." she wrote, "Life isn't always fair." 'Nah', she thought and backspaced not wanting this book to be depressing.

"Let's be honest, somethings are unexpected and other things you should have seen coming from a mile away. For instance..."she started over, sitting back in her chair getting comfortable as she liked where her mind was taking her and how well it lead her fingers.

Across town Troy was waking up next to a beautiful brunette; that just so happened to work in his building. Stacy was five eight with blue eyes and was a model on the side. Just like he liked them.

She turned to him smiling as he showed no emotion at all. He was tired of this life. He wanted something more than waking up to a stranger in his bed. He wanted a wife. He was twenty-seven and ready to settle down. Stacy would be perfect but she was young, twenty-two and still 'exploring'.

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