Too Much

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The church I was going to was the perfect fit. I had been watching their live service on YouTube during the school year in college. Now that its summer, I can finally go and really enjoy the atmosphere. The church I grew up in was great but this new one was predominantly filled with young adults who looked like me. Young, Black, and with hearts seeking the Lord.

When my church announced the interest meeting for the Women's Ministry, I knew I had to go. I loved the praise and worship and the pastors but didn't really know anyone personally. My grandma would drop me off then pick me up. Of course I smiled and nodded my head when passing by other church members.  (The recognition thing Black people do). But that was it. If anything, I planned to go to this event in search of community and potential friendships.

Saturday came and I found myself at the front entrance. I was beyond nervous. Mostly cause I was just starting to get serious with my relationship with God, going to church and bible study, actually taking notes, praying. Being around Godly woman would be different because we weren't going to listen to a pastor... but to rather mingle.

My grandma had drove me all the way here so I couldn't back down now. I walked in the door and signed in. There were Black woman everywhere. My ears were met with laughter and deep conversations. I didn't know anyone. I wanted to leave.

I texted my grandma and said "This is too much, I'm ready to go".

"Okay, I'm outside we can leave right now".

Wow, now I really have to stay. I found a seat amongst a row of other seats behind some couches. Some lady came and introduced herself and had told me there were some refreshments behind me in the conference room.

I turned my head and saw a room full of woman around a table talking. Nope. If I go in there, I'll have to introduce myself to everyone. Then I would be stuck in there for the next five minutes. I told the lady thank you and continued sitting in my seat. I don't care what she thought cause I was not about to go in there.

More woman began to enter the room and after a few minutes later, the event started. It went by so fast. We first started off with praise and Worship which was meh. Well, it was cool but someone played a pop Christian song that I didn't know. Then they told us to loosen up and dance. I felt awkward as I wasn't familiar with the song and didn't feel comfortable to just start dancing in front of people I didn't know. I made sure to assure God that I still loved Him... since I wasn't jumping up and down like some of the other girls.

After that, they opened the floor for people to express how they felt about the new transitions in the church. I was new to the church and didn't have much to say. The conversations flowed to people sharing their testimonies. I thought about mines and looked around the room.

There were three woman who didn't dress so girly... two of them with dread locks and one with short curly hair. How did they get here? I could look at them and tell that two of them for sure liked woman... or at least had a past of liking them. How could they be okay with their lifestyle and still come to events like this? I tried to not look as much as one of them resembled the rapper Bow-Wow, who I've always thought to be pretty attractive.

Lunch finally arrived and we ate Chipotle. I talked to a few woman and hurried out after I finished. I was defiantly the youngest in the room. After the closing words they allowed us to mingle. One of the girls who I had spotted earlier left the building. She seemed pretty quiet but I still had wanted to know what she was about.

I had my eye on her and went outside to catch her before she left. She had short curly hair and was way thicker and taller than me. She wore a plain T-Shirt, jeans, and tennis shoes. Being one out of the three woman who appeared to be more tomboyish than girly. She looked no older than 25 and had a pretty face and soft presence. I liked it so I decided to introduce myself.

"Hey I'm, Jai'Ruh"

"Hi, I'm Maya"

Woah did I just hear a southern accent?

"You must not be from California", I laughed... "Where are you from?"

She giggled. "I'm from Alabama and decided to come down here for work"

Interesting. We talked for a few minutes then exchanged numbers. She was so pretty. Why did she have to cover herself up with all those baggy clothes?

I went back in the room and found myself meeting two more Black woman. One of them came in late and sat by me, the other shared her testimony with the group. The latecomer's name was Carmen and the testimony girl was Lisha. Carmen was talking my head off about stuff I don't even remember. After what felt like forever, Lisha came by and somewhat saved me. I say somewhat because they started talking to each other leaving me to do what I do best, listen. It seemed as if they were getting along... probably due to age. Lisha was 25 and Carmen was 23. Both graduated from college living the adult life.

My grandma texted me saying she was outside. I exchanged their numbers and left. It was nice I guess. We will see who I end up staying in contact with.


What's Up! So Iv'e decided to make this chapter into a part 2 (to go in more detail into what happened with Maya) then I will go back to Musoke. I did need to include the other two girls I met as a mini background to support future chapters!

I'll be publishing part 2 tonight 💕

Inspired by 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NIV)

"Interesting. We talked for a few minutes then exchanged numbers. She was so pretty. Why did she have to cover herself up with all those baggy clothes?"

1 Corithians 6:19-20

"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies".

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