I'm A Lesbian Who Loves The Lord

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The next day I got a text from Maya.

"Hey it was nice meeting you"

Aww that was nice of her to text me.

"It was nice meeting you too"


"Just at home chillin wbu?"

"Still at work"

It was different having older friends. Well talking to older people. I tend to forget that they have an actual adult life and have bills to pay. For her to be at work, Maya texted back pretty fast.

"Maybe we can talk more and get lunch?"

"Yea sure, what's your fav place out here?"

"Chipotle lol... I don't know that many places"

Chipotle? I can think of so many other better and REAL Mexican food places out here in LA. Well... if we were to go to Chipotle it'd be easy cause there's one down the street from me. She could meet me there.

"I'm down, what day works best for you?"

"Saturday would be great"

"Cool! Oh are you going to bible study on Thursday night?"


"Nice, I'll see you then"

Why was she so chill and interested in me? She must think I'm 21 or something. Who knows. I guess we will see Thursday... well Friday when we can really chat it up.

I love going to Thursday night Bible Study and decided to invite my younger cousin (of two years) and a family friend. My grandma dropped us off around 7:45 and I saw Maya as we walked down the aisle. I stopped to say hello as my cousin and friend went to go sit near the front.

Maya and I greeted each other with a hug. Way too soon.

The hug felt as if I was spiritually being attacked. I brushed it off in the moment and asked if she wanted to sit with us. She said no and explained how she liked sitting on the side. My stomach had a weird feeling when I sat back with my cousin and friend.

I felt so off. I don't know what it was... it felt like a warning.

When the service ended, I found Maya waiting for me in the lobby. I introduced her to my cousin while my other friend was off somewhere talking.

I didn't notice in the church, but Maya was wearing some black slacks, a pink button down shirt and those fancy shoes guys wear now a days. She was dressed way more guyish than the first time I met her.

I said my goodbyes and we went to the car. Later that night Maya texted me.

"Your perfume smelt really good"

What the heck? What type of girl starts a conversation like that?

"Gee thanks! I hope it smells good lol"

"Yea, it's nice. I can still smell your perfume on my shirt."

Weird. I didn't spray that much and why is she paying attention to that anyways.

"Wait we only hugged once... you sure that was my perfume?"

"Oh yea, maybe it was someone else"

I kind of felt bad for turning down her niceness. Even though it seemed as if she were flirting. I figured I could play around a little bit to lighten the mood.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2018 ⏰

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