Combat start

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Corina, Bridget and Kikki came to the park where Predasite appeared. But there is nothing around.

"There is nothing there ..." Kikki says while looking around.

"Is it hiding somewhere?" Bridget says.

"Let's search for the neighborhood." Corina said three people tried to move, something popped out of the pond nearby.

"You came Mew Mew! I'm Predasite Toad!" Predasite lands before three people.It likes the green frog by which red and a black fleck are there in a stomach of light yellow by walking with two legs.Sharp nails are growing at the tip of the fingers of the limbs.There are red fins on both sides of the head and a large horn is growing on the forehead.There are 2 bulges of the volleyball large in a chest, and because a crack is between the joint of both legs.

"Predasite! Do it! Mew Mew Corina, Metamorphose!"

"Mew Mew Bridget, Metamorphose!"

"Mew Mew Kikki, Metamorphose!"

Three people transform into Mew Mew form and enter a battle posture.

"Acho!" First of all Kikki will attack Predasite.Predasite avoids attacks with quick movements different from appearance.

"Huh!" Corina and Bridget attack Predasite from another direction following Kikki.

"Such an attack does not apply to me." Predasite Toad takes three simultaneous attacks with both hands and flips three people.

Three people who are bounced off land and land an attack on Predasite Toad again.Bridget attacks first, but it is easily avoided and is blown off by Predasite Toad's attack.

Then Corina kicks in the belly of Predasite Toad, but just a light sound does not work and she is also blown off.

Kikki also tries to attack after two people. Predasite Toad avoids Kikki's attack and fights back, and further hits the body from his belly and flips Kikki.Kikki rolls on the ground and tries to stand up.

"Now is my chance!" Predasite Toad points toward Kikki and aims firmly with both eyes.

"It is being targeted Kikki!" Bridget calls attention to Kikki.

"Let's eat!"Predasite Toad said so and carries both hands to the horn of the forehead.Then a basketball large yellow Pac-man appears from the horn, opening its mouth and stretching the yellow energy tongue to Kikki.Energy tongue flew quickly about 25 feet and wraps twice around the stomach of Kikki who stood up.

"No!" Kikki is wrapped around the energy tongue, the whole body is wrapped in yellow light for a moment and current flows to her.When the tip of the energy tongue licks the head of Kikki, Kikki is surrounded again by yellow light.When energy tongue licks Kikki's head once more, Kikki's body emits a strong yellow light for a moment.When the yellow light fell, Kikki was turned into a yellow energy ball of basketball.

"Kikki!" Corina who saw the sight raises her voice.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" When the energy tongue disappears, Kikki made into a yellow energy ball flew to the mouth of Predasite Toad which opened wide.When energy ball enters the mouth of Predasite Toad where sharp fangs grew, she closes her mouth and swallows it.

"Yum yum yum... She tasted like a pudding and she was delicious." Predasite Toad opens and closes the mouth many times and tastes the taste of Kikki.Furthermore she carries her hands in her mouth and soaks in the lingering finish.

Kikki swallowed by Predasite Toad is sent into a pink wide space."Take me out of here!"She struggles to resist but has no effect. And red tentacles appeared from the surroundings and restrained her wrapped around both feet.A thick tentacle sticks to her mouth."Mmmmmmm!"She resists but has no effect, the outside sight appears to her eyes and the green hand feels to strike her face several times.

Predasite Toad points towards the remaining two people and pats belly with both hands.Then Kikki's face emerges in the upper right part of her swelled belly, where she pat with her right hand.When she pats the face of Kikki which emerged with her right hand twice, the circumference of Kikki's face glows yellow.

"Oh no!Kikki was eaten by Predasite!"Corina shouts surprised.

"We have to help Kikki!"Bridget summons Combat Castanets on both hands."Deep Sea Surge Attack!"An intense water flow approaches Predasite Toad.Predasite Toad puts a yellow energy wall in front of her belly.When the water current hits the energy wall, it was reflected by Corina and Bridget.

"Ouch!"The reflected water stream hits the two people, and the two get down.

"You can not scratch me!" Predasite Toad slowly moves closer to Corina and Bridget while shaking her body.

"She will come again." Corina who stood up started attacking Bridget at the destination."Huh!Yah!Tah!"Predasite Toad avoids all Corina's continuous attacks.

"Yahh!"Bridget who caught up with Corina also joins the attack, but she is bounced off quickly.

"You are too slow!"Predasite Toad avoids Corina's attack and attacks alternately with left and right hands.

"Aohh!"Corina who was attacked by Predasite Toad is blown off and rolls on the ground.

"Corina, all right!?"Bridget approaches the fallen Corina and she is concerned about her. After thet she points towards Predasite Toad.

"Whichever is fine, I will eat you!"Predasite Toad brings both hands to the horn of the forehead and a yellow Pac-Man appears again.Pac-Man opens the mouth where the fangs grew and extends the yellow energy tongue to Corina and Bridget.

Bridget looks at that and rolls and quickly avoids it.However, Corina has just stood up and can not be avoided and the tongue winds around her belly.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!"The tip of Energy's tongue wrapped around Corina licks her head three times in a row.Her whole body was enveloped in a light of light blue and when she glowed strongly for a moment she was made into a light blue energy ball.And Energy's tongue disappears and a light blue Energy Ball fly to the mouth of a large open Predasite Toad.

"Gulp*"Predasite Toad closes her mouth whenever a light blue energy ball enters in her mouth and swallows it with Corina's scream."Yum yum... She had a refreshing taste!"Predasite Toad strokes her mouth with both hands.

The swallowed Corina is sent immediately into the pink space."Kikki!"She saw the appearance of Kikki restrained by red tentacles in the upper right.Then red tentacles appeared from the surroundings and restrained her wrapped around both feet.A thick tentacle sticks to her mouth like Kikki.The outside sight appears to her eyes and she was caught on the face with a green hand and felt being beaten several times.

Predasite Toad emits Corina 's face to the left bottom center of the belly as if to show it to the remaining Bridget.She slowly strokes the face of Corina with her left hand and pats it several times, and the perimeter of Corina's face glows light blue.

"Corina!"Although Bridget knows that it is too late, but she screams while stretching her right hand to Predasite Toad.

"Next is your turn, Mew Bridget!"Predasite Toad points to Bridget with the index finger on the right hand and slowly approaches.


"Hurry Zoey, the situation is not good!Renee should also arrive at the place soon."Zoey finishes supplementation and is in touch with Elliot and runs to the park.

"Why does Predasite appear at such a time !?Mew Mew Zoey, Metamorphose!"Zoey enters the popular back alley and turns into Mew Mew."If I do not hurry, everyone is in danger!"Zoey jumps over the roof of the building and moves to the park.

Female Terror Toad VS Mew Mew PowerWhere stories live. Discover now