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Only a few days had passed when Sehun got an email. It was from Minseok, he wanted to meet up for a talk. And of course Sehun agreed to this.

Sehun looked at his watch. 3 p.m., just as they agreed on. A male figure sat across from him, making him close the book he was reading.

Minseok stared at the book for a few seconds. "I didn't know you liked poems."

"You don't know a lot about me."

He gave Sehun a light chuckle. Clearly not expecting that answer from the younger. "Take this kiss upon the brow! And, in parting from you now, Thus much let me avow —"

"You are not wrong, who deem that my days have been a dream," he continued.

He sat back on his seat. "You're good," he said, clearly amused.

"I'm good in many things, Minseok hyung," the latter raised an eyebrow at this. Realizing he just used informal language, he quickly apologized to the older. Which was answered with a laugh.

"It's fine. We could speak informal, if that's what you'd like."

Sehun nodded at that and they went on discussing things. Turns out Minseok is writing a book about a young college student. Hence why he asked Sehun for help.

They talked for hours, but felt like mere minutes. There wasn't a moment of awkwardness around them. Only cheerful, calm moments. It felt, good. It was like they have known each other for a long time, not just one night.

Minseok sipped his tea and set down his notes. "Thank you, this has really been good help."

"Anytime. I'd love to help." Sehun said as he gathered his things. "I'm sorry, but I should really go. I have a family dinner to attend."

"You should go then," Minseok said while he gathered his things too.

Before he left, Sehun turned around to face Minseok again. "I hope we could meet again sometime. I'm sure my students would love to see you. A change in atmosphere."

Minseok smiled, the most heart warming smile he has ever seen. It made him feel warm inside. Made him feel at home. "I would like that too. If you ever need me to cheer up your class, I'd be glad to do so."

They then parted ways. Sehun rushing to his car and speeded his way back to his apartment to get dressed. His parents would be pissed off if he showed up only wearing jeans and a simple white t-shirt. 'Not classy', that's what they would say.


"You are late," was the first words he heard when he entered the house. He just bowed to his father and mumbled a small 'sorry' then joined them at the dinner table.

"Don't be so harsh on him," his mother said as she smiled at Sehun. "How are you sweetie?"

"I'm great, Mom," he said and gave her a smile. "Where's hyung?"

"Your brother is in the other room, taking care of his baby," his dad said. "Ah, when are you going to marry, Sehun? You're already 25 years old."

"I'm still young, Dad. Please don't rush me into marrying," especially to someone I don't love.

"We don't know when we will die. Plus, I want to see you have kids."

Sehun just answered with a nod. Not long after, his brother and wife came to the dining table.

The night went well. The food was also good, as expected. None brought up the idea of him marrying, which was a big relief. Well, his dad almost brought it up, but his brother changed the subject. Bless him, truly.

When dinner was done, his parents excused themselves for a while. Leaving the three of them alone. Sehun was looking out a window when his brother came up to him and handed a glass of wine.

"How have you been? No trouble in paradise, right?"

"I don't get into trouble anymore," he takes the wine glass. "By paradise, if you meant my house, then no, there is no trouble."

He snorted. "You know what I mean, Sehun."

"I don't have anyone in my life right now. People are... complicated."

He shook his head. "If you don't want to end up like me, then, you better find someone."

"But you and Joohyun eventually fell for each other. Maybe it is best for mom an dad to arrange me a marriage."

"But you don't want that," Sehun just shrugged and took a sip. He's right, though. Just the thought of marrying someone he doesn't love makes him flinch. "You deserve better. As your big brother, I'll always support your decision on choosing a lover. No matter who that might be."

Sehun smiled and gave the empty glass to his brother. "I should get going. Thank you for everything, Junmyeon hyung."

They bowed to each other and Sehun went on his way home. Right now, he just wanted to sleep the night away. He has been hurt greatly once, never again.

At least, that is what he hoped.

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