The wedding

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The wedding day had come.

The whole day seemed to go on in a continuous haze of events, It was like she was there going through all the motions but her soul had already left her body. She woke up, got dressed, went to the beautician, sat there for hours, after getting ready was taken to her rooms above the wedding hall. The guests were down in the hall.

There she was sitting in the bride's room in front of the dresser. She didn't recognize the woman in the mirror, She was a bride dressed in the typical traditional glory, the heavily embroidered gold and maroon dopatta was stuck on her head with numerous pins, the heavy jewellery adorned her neck, her forehead, her face and arms, the weight heavy on her neck, weighed down her spirit. She looked at the reflection that was staring back at her, she felt like she couldn't see herself in that reflection.

She could hear the compliments one after the other,the relatives, women from her family and the bridegroom's, the bride looks so beautiful, she looks like a hoor from the heaven sent specially for Shahsawar, laughter and meaningful naughty comments, admiring looks were thrown around.

How she had dreamed of this day, if the circumstances were different. this would have been the happiest day of her life. the day that all girls dreamed of. She would have been warm and happy. Not cold and afraid. Excited and a little nervous too of the unknown. All in a good way. But her dreams had been shattered. and the reason was no one else but her own brother. it was good that the makeup artist had been quiet liberal with the artificial blush on her face, for hearing Shahsawar's name had turned her ice cold. her face was pale white under all the layers of makeup.

It felt like only minutes had passed when the noise came from the outside, and the excitement spread through like a continuous wave. The wedding procession had arrived. The excitement didn't touch layla, for it was the wave of her destruction. She felt lightheaded, her palms turned clammy. the panic rose in her chest but she was unable to do anything. she clamped down on a wave of nausea. In few moments her life will be handed over to a stranger. A stranger she had begged not to marry her. A stranger who had been completely indifferent to her pleas and her threats alike. just two days earlier she had called him again in the faint hope that may be he will change his mind. 'please do not do this, we will both be very unhappy' she had been on the verge of tears.

'Miss layla, this marriage simply has to occur. after what your brother has done, there is no other way for us. Understand it. My predicament is no different than yours'

'just my brother?? you are implying that Akmal took your sister to wed in the court by force?' she barely kept from shouting. She heard an impatient sigh from the other end.

'I know Mona is no innocent in all this, but that doesn't change facts. Your brother married my sister in the court despite the fact that our families have been enemies since before we were born. Their marriage could either result in both their deaths or, to make accounts equal, a daughter from that house will have to come into our house. there is no other way, and you know all that very well. you know the traditions'

'But what is my fault, why do I have to be the sacrificial lamb' she fought hard against the lump in her throat.

'We all have to follow the traditions if we don't want any blood to spill. You want your brother to be a target of our guns? We have a very fragile agreement miss layla,I have worked hard to keep my father and my uncles and cousins at bay. they have agreed to this condition only. its a fragile peace at best, and I don't want it to break at the hands of a foolish girl. do you understand me?' His voice had the edge of steel.

She felt so helpless, like a caged bird. Fury rose in her veins.

'I'll be the worst wife you can imagine Shahsawar Farooqi, I'll make your life hell. That's a promise' She whispered in threatening voice or as threatening as it could be with suppressed tears.

He had paused for a moment. The silence on the other side gave layla little satisfaction. for moments later she heard a surprised laughter from the other end and the sound of click that signalled the call had been ended.

She was brought back to reality with a jolt; a particularly sharp giggle.

I hope our cousin doesn't faint when he sees you, whispered comment was punctuated with giggles. she felt like she was made of stone.

It was time for her to go to the stage, her best friend Aliya came into the room, thankfully she knew how Layla felt. Aliya was helpless to do anything but glare at all the women surrounding her, glare at her brother and his new wife, and mutter curses under her breath.

As Aliya came close and touched her arm, Layla raised her bent head to look at her friend, the look of pity in her eyes was her undoing and the tears started falling before she could stop them. Aliya's eyes teared up but she forced a smile for her benefit.

Aliya looked around the room filled with the women and girls and said in a loud and false cheery voice, 'Lets give bride a few minutes before she comes to the stage, come on people!' slowly people trickled out and she was left alone with her friend.

The silent tears now turned into quiet sobs as Layla threw her arms around Aliya. Her body shaking like a leaf.

'What will I do Aliya? I should have run when I had a choice..' her voice muffled against Aliya's shoulder.

'Yes you should have, but you couldn't.. you love your good for nothing brother too much to do that' Aliya said rubbing her back lightly. Her voice filled with sadness for her unfortunate friend.

Then she was angry ' I can't believe your parents did that to you, that they didn't fight to protect you. How could they do that to their only daughter. Yes the traditions are harsh but they would sacrifice one child for another? thats not fair!'

Aliya's voice was rising.

Layla shook her head, sighing.

'Akmal is their only son, of course they would protect him. I don't want to think about them ever. May be its not their fault, but they gave up on me aliya. I will never forget that.'

Layla forced back the tears.

'Aali I dont even know who I am going to spend the rest of my life with. who is the man who'll have the power to do anything that he likes to me and I will be unable to stop him. I will be alone in their territory..' The tears had started falling again.

Aliya lifted her chin with her fingers ' Yes you are going into the enemy territory, but you will never be alone as long as I am alive.' Layla gave her a watery smile, the words meant little for she didn't know what will happen to her tomorrow . Her friend carefully wiped away the tears with a tissue.

Their was a knock on the door and it opened slightly. Layla's back stiffened as her mother came in, Ansa Arain had chosen her son. She had made her choice and Layla had given her sacrifice. Their was nothing left between them as far as layla was concerned. Her mother's slightly red and worried gaze didn't move her at all. She completely avoided meeting her mother's eyes, and looked straight ahead.

'The bridegroom has arrived, they're waiting for you on the stage'

Layla nodded, Aliya took her arm, and she walked out the door without a glance backward.

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