Chapter 2

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Layla was sitting alone on the stage sofa that was decorated like a throne.She felt the eyes of every one in the hall on her. Shahsawar was somewhere among the guests, greeting and receiving congratulations while she was waiting for her ordeal to end. Though she didn't know if the end of wedding would be the end or just the beginning. She had yet to come face to face with her husband, she gulped at the thought. her husband. she was married. It wasn't right to ponder too much over this line of thoughts for she couldn't go into a panic attack mode in front of this huge hall filled with guests. To divert her mind, she looked around, or tried to. For their wasn't much visible with her frozen posture, her bent spine ached. Her bent head and neck offered little view, but there were countless red roses and white lilies as far as she could see. The strong scents saturated the air around her.. She wished with all her heart that it would be over soon. Yes, she had signed her death permit herself, At least she should be permitted to mourn in privacy, but no, she had to sit for hours in celebrations. Just when she thought she couldn't bear anymore, she felt a change in the air, and the next moment she felt his warmth as he came and sat too close for her comfort, his arm touching hers. the only warning she had gotten was a slight whiff, sandal wood perhaps and cold breeze, Aliya used to laugh at her whenever she told her that she loved the smell of winter and cold. Layla's heart was pounding in her chest, her already bent head lowered furthur down. He laughed at something his friend said and the sound irritated her to no end, how dare he laugh at this time. He was supposed to be as upset as she was, at the least.

But of course, she was the only losing party, not him. Dark bitter thoughts ran through her mind.He could live his life the way he liked, his only responsibility had been to marry her, sign that agreement and then do as he pleased. He was a man. She is the one who will be bound to stay at his house, live with his family, bear with their taunts, for she expected nothing else from a forced marriage.

She wanted to hit something, or someone, preferably her brother or this man sitting beside her with such authority. Her nervousness was dissipating. being replaced by irritation, primarily with shahsawar. She shifted a little trying to move a little away from him, he felt the movement and moved his arm from beside her to the back of sofa, comfortably leaning back while she was still huddled in a bundle by his side. his leg was still touching hers.

Sudden anger leaped through her,Oh but Shahsawar could push her buttons like no one else. Enough is enough, she inhaled a long breath held it for a moment and then breathed out.

Straightening her spine she really wanted to lean back like shahsawar, even better put her feet up on the table laden with flowers and fruits in front of them, but she wasn't quite there yet. Instead in a very un-bride like way she leaned on the arm of the sofa, moved her leg away as much as she could in the limited space and huffed out another loud breath. she felt a slight breeze of movement on her left and a low chuckle sounded in her ear. she stiffened, 'I was waiting for the moment kitten would bear her paws' the words whispered in a low voice were only for her ears. the said ears turned crimson.

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