Chapter 3

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Shahsawar motioned the gate keeper to shut the gates of the manor. He folded the full sleeves of his bride groom dress to his elbows, and sighing deeply he turned to go inside. Most of the guests that had stayed for night were settled in the guest wings. His parents would be in their beds by now. He had run out of tasks and excuses to stay out. Entering the lounge he walked towards the kitchen island. A coffee at this time didn't seem like a bad idea, God knew he needed any boost that he could get.

As the dark liquid poured into the mug, the events of a few hours ago ran through his mind like a movie. As the time of bride's departure had come near, his bride had become more and more rigid, her face had become a mask, a doll's face for she had such delicate features. He had expected a typical full of tears and cries scene as he took away his bride in his car, and yet again his wife had surprised him when she didn't shed a single tear while her brother hugged, or try to hug her good bye, while she stayed still and rigid like a statue. same thing happened with her mother and father. He understood her anger and disappointment in her family but she was an emotional creature, he had deduced that much from the few phone calls that he had received in the last month. her complete lack of emotion had baffled him. He had to re evaluate her to proceed in the future.

The wedding was as much a shock to him as it had been to her, but there wasn't anything that could be done once the council had announced its decision. He looked at the coffee, now getting cold in his hands and took a deep draught as another face flitted through his mind. Maria's. She had been his fiancee of three years now, Of course he was not devastated, for he had never been in love but still it had stung. His and Maria's marriage, would have been a marriage based on loyalty, friendship and shared goals. What else could one ask of a relationship. Instead, because of his sister's selfish and self centered ways he was now attached for life to a volatile strange creature. From whom he didn't know what to expect, so he couldn't plan ahead and this fact bothered him a lot.

Shahsawar placed the empty cup back on the counter, he took a deep breath through his nose as he realized that the time to confront his bride had come and that he could delay it no longer. She was beautiful as far as appearances go, but he knew very well that appearances could be deceiving. Running a hand through his dark, slightly long hair he tried to assemble his thoughts as he walked up the stairs.

He was a businessman, he had excellent communication skills, but standing outside the door to his bedrooms, he struggled as he tried to find the perfect words to say, to make it all bearable so that they could come to an agreement that would be beneficial to both parties.

Unaware of his actions he had started pacing outside his bedroom door. First he would have to reassure her, give a sense of security so that she would be more amenable and trust him. It would be a start to make her see and accept his ideas of living and of marriage particularly. They could both compromise a little, it would be like living with a room mate, sharing a few common courtesies that would make life bearable for both of them, until they decided what they wanted from their marriage and how they could facilitate each other in achieving their goals. Yes, that sounded like a good start. He stopped and knocked lightly on the door. There was no answer, expecting that his wife would be waiting for him in all her bridal glory he slowly opened the door. and then halted as an unexpected sight welcomed him.


Author's note:  Vote and comment dear friends, a lil appreciation goes a long way in motivating a girl to write :) <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2019 ⏰

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