[Anidala] "Savior"

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Anakin laughed as he looked down at the hologram of Padmé. "You know, you should be careful, or I'll be the one rescuing you, Ani." The gunship jerked as it landed, and Anakin made a quick remark before closing the call; "On your rescue mission? I think not."

They were on a mission to liberate Senators Amidala from a small Separatist base camp on Falleen before she could be taken to a more secure place. Padmé had an un-noticed hologram device that she'd snuck with her and made contact to the Jedi Council with.

Anakin stepped out of the gunship, a small squad of clone troopers with him, but it should enough to push past the bases defenses, they all believed.

They quickly reviewed their plan, took position, then started the action a few snipers were farther back, and the assault troops started firing. An officer droid called for backup but quickly after was shot by a sniper.

In just a few moments, a single line of Super Battle Droids came out, killing 3 men instantly. The clones rapidly fired, hitting about half of them by now.

One Super Battle Droid spotted two snipers, quickly taking them out and just as it was about to notify the other droids of the snipers, it was shot by a ground trooper. Anakin ignited his lightsaber and ran forward, blocking blaster shots as he ran.

He slashed two thirds of the remaining droid troops but was shot in the shoulder by a droid whilst facing the other way, he stumbled, turning he blocked the next shot, getting shot from behind again at his ankle.

"General Skywalker needs help! Aim your fire at the droids near him!" The clone commander yelled to his squad. They did so and saved Anakin from a shot to the back.

Anakin felt his temper rising and he swiftly slashed the rest of the troops outside, turning to his men. "We need to push on, to save Senator Amidala! Come up and we'll move into the base!" He shouted to them and they quickly ran to him.

After a while, Anakin sensed Padmé close by. Just as he turned the corner to the entrance of the small prison hall, he was caught off guard by 3 commandos, who fired and hit Anakin in the leg. Anakin fell, and was assisted by 2 clones as the rest battled the Commando Droids.

Anakin' sheaf began to spin, he was angry and confused, but was shot with a stun gun by a commando. Over half the clone troopers were gone because of the backup of 5 B1 Battledroids, who hid behind walls and fired safely.

Anakin awoke in a small cell. He sat up and buried his head in his hands. Slowly, his mind cleared and he could stand upright again. He looked from side to side, just plain walls. Anakin walked to the side wall, and examined it carefully. He found a small crease, closing his eyes and using the force to open it.

It was a small window to the other cell, but there was a small Ray shield blocking the gap. He peered in, seeing Padmé sitting down. He knocked on the wall, trying to draw her attention.

She looked up, but not to Anakin, to the opening door ahead of her. A droid came in and took her out of the cell. Anakin looked to the doorway, but it closed and he could see nothing.

As Anakin looked down, and began to walk to the other wall to check if it would open, he heard blaster shots right outside the cell. "Padmé!" Anakin yelled, running to the door and banging on it furiously.

After moments of silence, Anakins head lowered slowly as he began to walk back to the bench in Sorrow. Then the cell door opened and he turned, an aggravated expression on his face. He then put on a surprised emotion as he saw Padmé standing at the door.

"My my, how the tides have turned!" She smiled.
"Padmé! I thought they killed you!" Anakin exclaimed, running over.
"No," Padmé chuckled. "I got them."
Anakin nodded, resisting a laugh. "Let's see if any of our troops are still alive."

In the end, 5 men made it out alive and they returned to Coruscant with Anakin and Padmé safely.

"Next time, make sure I don't have to save your skin, Ani." Padmé joked. "Not that it was hard, however."

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