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Her heart fell to the pit of her stomach when she watched Y/n's figure turn around and walk away. She had just said aloud that she loved her, and instead of running up to her, cradling her in her arms, and telling her she loved her too; she said nothing. Her empty eyes were the same empty eyes that told Shawn that she was no longer in love with him. She recognized that from seeing herself in that state for so long. But was it true? Was she fooling herself? Were her feelings for her as disingenuous and vacuous as she made it appear to be?

At that point, Shawn had followed his ex-fiancée's gaze and seen Y/n walk back into the crowded arena. You could see the heartache in her face. She dashed all hopes when she told him that she loved this other woman, but he could see that his pain was nothing like hers. He came in hoping for the best, but he knew there would still be the possibility that she wouldn't change her mind about their relationship. Camila, on the other hand, was nowhere near expecting that her admission of love would be met with indifference followed by absence.

He should have walked. She made her choice. She loved Y/n.

But, by god, did he love her. He would walk a hundred thousand miles through broken glass to see her smile. Even if it meant he had to wait until she got over Y/n, he was willing to stick by her side. That was the difference.

"What does she have that I don't have?" Shawn whispered, gaining Camila's attention. He saw her eyes welling with tears, so he took his thumb and wiped at the corners. She was too beautiful to have it marred by tearstains from a woman who didn't deserve her. "She doesn't love you like I love you."

She looked up to meet his gentle brown eyes. He was genuinely, deeply in love with her and she left him because she didn't quite feel the same way. She could now feel what it was like on the other side of unrequited love. It was a tragic kind of pain; one that pulled the world you knew beneath your feet and replaced it with a cold, empty shell. "I'm so sorry."

Pulling him in closer, she embraced him and sobbed into his chest. They went back inside the arena for the awards.

Camila followed Shawn back to his hotel room. She spent the last half hour crying and apologizing and telling him that she should have tried harder to work out their relationship. Shawn assured her that he would be standing by her side no matter what. This was their second chance at it, and he was going to be as patient and understanding as he could be to guarantee that nothing like this would cause doubt and mistrust ever again.

They undressed and got ready for bed. Coming out of the bathroom, fresh faced and dressed in one of his t-shirts, Camila climbed into bed beside Shawn. He smiled and wrapped an arm around her lithe body.

"I'm so happy you decided to come spend the night with me."

She nodded, leaning up to kiss him. His hands found her hair and he pressed forward to deepen the kiss. She moaned as his tongue slipped between her lips and he wrestled for control. Dominating the kiss, Shawn laid her down the bed and allowed her to relax as he showed her how much he missed her. He trailed soft pecks down her neck as her hands ran down his flexed biceps.

Her eyes fluttered open and instead of the ceiling of the hotel room, she was staring up at the night sky. Stars littered the darkness and the moon cast a dim glow on her surroundings. Her view was suddenly obscured when Y/n's face appeared. Green eyes burned through her own, her jaw clenched, and her expression firm. And then her lips broke out into a playful smirk and smile lines formed at the corner of her eyes. She leaned down to kiss her.

But it didn't feel like Y/n. The lips were different and the feeling of butterflies in her stomach was missing. She sat up and Shawn stopped.

"What's wrong?"

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