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So we all think the universe began with a Big Bang, right?

Well, what if there were much more?

According to all known laws of aviation (jk I just had to do that) but according to all known laws of physics, the "one true" universe began with a Big Bang, one much bigger than ours, but I can get to that in a different topic.
That aside, a theory called inflation was formed almost entirely proving that all known space is expanding, and at a rapid rate. It's like if you threw a baseball in the air, but instead of stopping and coming back down, it goes up and up farther and at a faster and faster speed.
Because of this, another theory added to inflation was formed, showing that different areas of space were expanding at different speeds and times. This creates a kind of electric charge- like reaction. Think of space as a series of wires. As it expands, the value of dark energy (that's also another story) is different in each area, causing these differentiated speeds to occur. This therefore causes what we can think of as a wire shorting, or literally, a massive explosion of energy. This is where the Big Bang theory comes into play. This puzzled scientists for a very long time because they wondered if that really happened, were there more big bangs? So, they kept digging for evidence.
Over time, another theory was formed by two well-known scientists. It is called the string theory, and it proposes that inside of atoms, if one were to go deeper, inside the nuclei even, it is thought that one would find multiple strings made up of the smallest microscopic particles of energy believed to exist. These particles are supposedly the building blocks of our universe, and the types of particles are based off of their vibration patterns. So a summary of that aside, think about our main dimensions- height, width, and depth. With the laws of physics applied, these are all the possible dimensions. But, with the string theory put to work, it is said that there are hundreds, thousands, maybe even millions of dimensions.
Now scientists thought this was absolutely preposterous at first. How in the world could other dimensions exist?

Well, again, with the string theory, there are almost endless (but still finite) numbers of patterns and vibrations available. Experts think we, however, only have around 3, thus our dimensions. If this were put into a mathematical equation, we have approximately 0.(126 0's)1 % of the actual number of possible dimensions out there. And that's insane, if you think about it. But if all of this really were proven to be true, then the logical explanation would be that we are not alone, and this energy and expansion and countless number of patterns means that there are, in fact, billions upon billions of universes (at the least amount).

So, once you get that through your head, think about this. Say we were all playing cards, and I gave 5 to each of you. You each got a king, queen, 1, 2, and 3 of different symbols. So, note that there are only 52 cards in a deck. A finite number. So, no matter how long it may take, it is 100% guaranteed that, at some point, you all will end up with the same exact cards you had the first round. This is the unexplained part of the theory of the multiverse. Because if the string theory is true, it is only possible for there to be a finite number of dimensions. Meaning that no matter how many universes it takes, there's bound to be a universe out there with an exact duplicate of us.

Now sure, maybe a few things will be adjusted. Maybe in one Earth is a little farther from the sun, or in another it's closer. Maybe the asteroid that hit the dinosaurs missed, or I'm obsessed with history while Tara's into piano. But really thinking about it, scientists say this is a huge possibility. This is the number one leading theory currently, because it's the only explanation for every other theory as they're linked into one. To put it real simple,

There's most likely another you.

*drops mic*

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