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So last night at like 1 am I was talking to sophia about how con was Friday right and so she's spamming me with pictures and videos of her and Blake like kissing and stuff (they were cosplaying viktor and yuuri) and I get so triggered but I'm like whatever sophia can't like Blake because Blake is already dating someone right so I just ask as a joke like 100% as a joke and she goes no no we're just platonic and then we just send each other memes for a while and then all of a sudden she goes hey nat who do you like because I want to tell you who I like but I think you're gonna hate me and be like omg I knew it and I said yeah same here and so she told me it was Blake (also don't say anything about any of this okay this is like rlly rlly personal because the three of us are like close) and I'm like omgggg and she's like but I'm so sad and feel like crap because Blake is already dating someone and I'm like yeah I'm in the same situation and so it's kind of silent for a while and then she's like is it me and I'm like idk how to answer that and then we were talking about it and idk if I told you but us two were skyping with Blake one time and I said it was sophia and Blake was like wait I didn't hear u it glitched out and sophia said that too but then all of a sudden she told me that she was just playing it off and that she actually heard it which means SHE ACTUALLY KNEW ALL THIS TIME AND ITS BEEN LIKE 5 WEEKS anyways we were both really sad because of the situations we were in and sophia is like if things don't work out with Blake I at least want to give you a chance and I said i know you pity me and it's really nice of you and thoughtful of you to say that but it's just not right and then we talked about it a little more and then we were like gn and then my phone died and I went back on my phone this morning and she hasn't been active all day and she was crying like really hard last night and now I feel like everything is my fault and now I disabled my account because I'm like dangerously emotionally drained and now I have no idea what to do anymore and I literally I don't know this all happened within a half hour and I'm so overwhelmed and I don't know if and when I'll ever be able to get my life together again after this on top of a bunch of other stuff that's going on and I'm so stressed and ugh

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