finding a terrorist

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Okay so, I decided that I will write a small part from one or maybe a couple of the avengers POV's because im still not really sure on if there will be a fight between the avengers and percy or not. It's a really hard decision since I want my story to turn out good and all, so yeah. I'm also still needing helpful advice for chapters too. One more thing, do you think I should draww my own cover picture cause I feel like its supposed to be something I drew and not something someone else drew (cough cough viria cough cough) if you know what I mean.



        I was in the gym of the Stark tower, you may be wondering why im in the Stark tower, the reason why is because ever since the battle between the Avengers and Loki all of the Avengers moved into Stark towers so if there is any other imergency we will all be in the same area thus making it easier to get everyone together to stop it. Anyways I was  in the middle of punching a punching bag when JARVIS said "Sir, Director fury would like you to meet with the others in the conference room" I replyed "Ok can you tell fury that I'll be there in a minute" "okay sir". I went to my room,changed into some fresh clothes, then started to walk towards the elevators. When I got to the conferece room i sat down in my chair as everyone started to come in,like always tony was last."waz up every body!" Tony said as he walked in, no one responded just looked at him "shiesh tough crowd" was what he said as he droped into his chair.

        Finally, Fury spoke up "Ok team there is a threat named Perseus jackson who had disapered off our radar for quite some time who has been located and i need you to detaine him". we all looked at the files infront of us and were shocked that he had been on shileds watch since he was 12. Apperently he should now be 20 which is still very young to have the Avengers have to go after him, but i do have to admit that he has done some pretty bad things(i forgot to say that he turned 18 after the war)."how on Earth did he survive falling off the Saint Louis Arch, he should have died on impact" said a very suprised and curious Bruce."That is another reason why we need him here" "so get going and good luck" said fury.

        When all of us suited up we went where we were told Perseus was. we walked up behind him and before any of us even said a word he turned around. he had wind blown jet black hair and sea green eyes, he was wering a black hoodie and blue jeans and his eyes looked a little red like he had been crying but it wasn't too noticable. but he was defininatly our target, Perseus Jackson.

Oops i just remembered i wasn't going to do a disclaimer.......oh well i think im supposed to do one so it dosn't matter.........but anyways i think that im going to change my wattpad user name again because 1. i dont want so many people to know my name 2. the one im changing it to is super awesome 3. the user name is hillarius 4. i have fell in love with the new user name. so yeah......those are the reasons why.......... anyways till next time,


lol you probably thought i would say some normal thing like bye. psh, im a crazed fangirl people soooo, i dont know if its posible for me to be normal unless i try really hard which is what i only do at school so people don't make fun of me.... middle school is a crule place.......annnd im still talking even though i already said persassy. ok im offically shutting up till next time i update(for this chapter not for anywhere else.....what?!? I like talking! hmp....) :D

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