And now he meets fury...

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Okay since i have no words of wisdome for my fans right now, ONTO THE STORY!!!!!!!!!!======>


        I woke up with my arms and legs cuffed to a table lying on my back with my shirt off. My wings were spread out and there were people in lab coats around me so, I did the only logical thing to do. Since I have powers over fire (the fire is blue with sea green on the inside) I lit my hands and wings on fire so i could melt the cuffs off. All the people backed away and were freaking out, that is untili herd somone say "get the tranquilizer!!!" and felt somthing peirce my arm and then everything went black.

        The next time I woke up I was in a all white room with a bed (which I was laying on), a sink(bad idea for them), one door(probably headed outside the room), and a big mirror that took up about a whole intire wall. My geuss was the the mirror was probably one of those mirrors that one side acts like a window so they can watch me, stalkerish much. I just sat there for a few minutes, then somone walked in who I identifyed as Natasha took me to an interrogation room where I saw a pirate dude. He looked at me and said "hello, my name is director Nick Fury and i belive you have some explaining to do".

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2014 ⏰

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