Out. // part 4 - love on board // fluff

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Previously (gosh, I'm getting good at teasing, am I not?):

Besides, he had not been brave enough during the evening to tell her something. Something huge.


Fionn had a series of events to attend to the week after he last saw Y/N. In America. He kept on thinking about Y/N and feared that soon, he would forget the sound of her laugh or her speech mannerisms. To put it in a nutshell, it was only now that his plane had been booked and his luggage done that he realized he became obsessed with her. He kept on telling himself that three weeks would feel like an hour but he knew how false it was. This feeling happened to him only once by the past and it was when he left his family for the first time to promote Dunkirk, back in 2017. He was never going to cope with it a second time.

It's only a few moments before the boarding started at Hearthrow Airport that Fionn resolved to text Y/N. He felt like a prick for doing this so late but he had not been brave enough before. Not that he was now. "She is most probably going to hate me after this", he kept thinking as he sent her the text.

"I don't really know how to tell you this..." Oh God, is he breaking up with me, Y/N started to wonder as she was going through Fionn's chosen words. But then, she remembered that the two of them were not even in a relationship of any kind so she kept on reading "...but well, I'll be in America for the next three weeks to attend some premieres and do some interviews" Well, at least he didn't call it quits, she reassured herself. "...I know I should have told you before but I could not make up my mind. So sorry".

Y/N was about to text back telling him that it was okay and that she understood when her phone rang a second time "Can I count on you to be the very first person I'll see when I'll be back in London?" A million times, yes.

Two weeks since Fionn had left for America. Subconsciously, Y/N had started counting days. First, how many days it had been since he was away and then how many days she had left before seeing Fionn's face again. Subconsciously, Fionn had followed closely the same process. In order to have a peek of how gorgeous and awesome Fionn was doing in America, she went on YouTube to find the interviews he had done. It appeared fishy, even surrealistic, to listen to his voice and see his face on such a device as her laptop. But there he was, in the flesh, more radiant than ever. Less here, though.

Three weeks since Fionn had left for America. A co-star of Fionn of the new film he starred in had given Y/N all the informations required for her to surprise Fionn. This co-star never met Y/N before, but listening to Fionn rambling every day for twenty-one days about how great Y/N was, he had to help their case. Fionn had Y/N's promise and Y/N being a trustworthy person, she stood in Terminal B to be the first person Fionn would see by arriving.

Fionn truly wanted Y/N to be here but since she did not ask about his arrival, he figured out that she would not be here after all. He still bought her a nice posy just in case. He walked through the endless hallways, through the passport control. What was he to do if she was not there? No, he kept telling him, she made the proise she would be there.

Last door. Terminal B. The first passengers are leaving the plane. Most of them will rejoin their family, friends or a lover in a bunch of seconds ; they are already smiling at how the children have grown, there is a woman crying for she saw her son in the crowd. And then. And then there is him.

Fionn does not see her at first but then his co-star who has organised this frame-up stops talking and look at Y/N. He has never seen her but he knows, he knows that it is her Fionn had been talking about. She is indeed the most beautiful thing and if he was not a good friend, well...

Fionn looks at her. He is tired of this 10-hour flight during which he had not slept really well (who could when your co-star is louder than a hundred babies?). He probably has those black rings under his eyes by now. He proabably looks pathetic too but Y/N does not seem to care. She is far too delighted for that.

He comes at to her, as he does not know where to begin he strikes up with:

"Did you know flowers were not allowed in planes? I had to negociate to keep those with me!", he said half whining, half kidding. He handed her the bunch of roses and daisies. At that time, he did not know whether he should kiss her cheek or to dare brushing her lips with his. Last time they saw each other, they were close and since then he had dreamt he had kissed her but he did not quite know the posture he had to go with.

As Y/N thanked the young man for the flowers, she softly displayed a kiss on his mauve cheek. The last three weeks had felt so much more that Y/N knew that a simple kiss would not make up for this time without him around. By the time, the terminal was empty, only them remained. Y/N took Fionn's left dangling hand in her empty one. Her feet lifted by themselves and she got at Fionn's level. Fionn knew what was up and it only made him more daring and adventurous. The hand that was until then left all alone find a distraction, something to do. That is how Fionn fondled Y/N nicely. By the touch of it, the two of them closed their eyelids. Their lips met. Right in the middle of the airport, they kissed. It felt warm, Fionn's lips felt warm against hers. Nothing around could disturb the halo they made for themselves.

The Lovers' Act: a fanfiction starring Fionn Whitehead.Where stories live. Discover now