Out. 5th part /

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Nothing around could disturb the halo they made for themselves.

Since the two of them only had one actual rendez-vous, Y/N decided it was time to fix that. Fionn had just come back from America and they had not seen each other after their kiss in the airport. It still seemed unreal that such a pure thing had been. Y/N missed Fionn, Fionn missed Y/N, it was as simple as that.

Y/N wrote a text but deleted it. Following this process many times, she lost a couple of hours not knowing what to write, or even if she was supposed to write anything. Perhaps it was just a kiss and she could not expect much more than that. She thought that it had been such a rapture and there was no need to rush things. As she was about to send a text she thought would be the most appropriate, she received one.

"I was thinking, after what has happened, that we could grab a drink somewhere anytime"

said the text.

Y/N replied as quickly as she had read it. Her friends once told her that with men, you have to wait a bit before texting back but she could not put up her mind to go with this strategy. 

A few texts later, they had decided of the next Friday to indeed go in a café and have a chat.

It was only three days to go but it seemed an eternity for the both of them. Although Y/N did not have that much work to go through during these three days, on the Friday, she was given new responsabilities and was overwhelmed with it. She could not resolve to cancel her plans with Fionn but did not have any time for herself after work to change her clothes.

She truly wanted to see him, it had been such a long time since they had last seen each other so she decided not to mind.

Fionn was standing right on the pavement, in front of the café the two decided on. Y/N arrived just very slightly late but she had to apologize profusely. However, Fionn reassured her that there was no rush. After all, Y/N had been the one waiting for nearly a month to see him again. Besides that, Y/N who didn't have time to change her clothes tried to iron her shirt with her hands and to take off some dirt on her skirt. Once again, Fionn tried to make her understand that it did not matter, that he wanted to see her and not a model. This remark made Y/N blush a little. It was not much of a compliment, more like mere courtesy but still you felt more at ease this way. 

The two of them entered the café and soon Fionn ordered a latte whereas Y/N went for a lemonade. The main subject of conversation was Fionn in America, which made Y/N really proud of what Fionn had achieved these past few years. Y/N told him that in fact, it's been years since she followed his career from a distance, that no matter what, she would always come back to watching a film he starred in. It could have sounded creepy if Y/N did not make surethat there was no ambiguity, she was just a fan of his work but never thought that hanging out with Fionn was her goal in life.

If Y/N had dreamt of it, it could not have been sweeter than this. Fionn turned out to be, besides the talent Y/N knew to be his a curious young man, genuinely avid to know more about her whereabouts and the things that made her feel alive. It is how the sun was chased by the moon and the stars threatened to cover the whole sky.

As the bar shut, Fionn could simply not let go of Y/N. It felt like he finally found the other half of his being. There was no way it would end in front of a bar. Somehow aware of it or up herself for something else, Y/N asked as to extend the date by walking along Canary Wharf. It just fell to be the right thing to do at that time.

Thus, two young and falling lovebirds enjoyed the late hours by laughing at the world ahead of us, wishing that time would never come to an end. It is only when yawns replaced laughters that the two of them decided that it was more than time to part.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2019 ⏰

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