My Biggest Fear (Andy's POV) (TW!!)

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The boys and I had a short recording studio session. Usually I hang out with them but something was telling me to go home. I got in my car and called Rye to let her know I was coming home. She didn't answer which is weird but I didn't think anything of it.

I got home. "Rye baby I'm home." No answer. I went upstairs to see if she was sleeping. She wasn't in our room. "Babe are you here?" Still no answer. I saw the bathroom light on. "Babe are you okay?" I opened the bathroom door and she was lying on the floor.

"RYE!!" She was unconscious. I immediately called 911. "My girlfriend is on the floor and she's unconscious." "Is she breathing?" "It's shallow." "Start chest compressions we are sending an ambulance right away." I was trying not to panic but how could I not? I saw the empty pill bottles laying on the floor. Was this a suicide attempt? When I left she was absolutely fine.

The paramedics were knocking on the door and I ran downstairs. I led them to the bathroom and they began CPR. They put an oxygen mask on her and put her on the stretcher. "You can ride on the back of the ambulance." "Okay thank you."

She was breathing but unresponsive. I guess it's a good sign. "You seem so calm. The female paramedic said to me. "I....I just don't know how to feel." She was right. I was unusually calm. Like fuck I almost lost my girlfriend, the love of my life. "Do you know why she did this?" "No.... she was fine when I left." "I saw the pill bottles laying on the floor while we were putting her on the stretcher. That's how I realized it was a suicide attempt. Has she suffered with mental illness?" "No or she just never told me." "I'm sorry for all the questions. I just wanted to know what happened. She's going to be okay but she needs her stomach pumped when we get to the hospital." I just shook my head. I wanted to cry but nothing would come out.

We got to the hospital and the paramedics rushed into the emergency room. I had to wait outside while they pumped her stomach. It felt like forever but was probably only 10 minutes. They let me back in. She was still unconscious but I was told she would wake back up. The only thing I liked was she immediately had her own room. She didn't have to be switched or anything. I sat down next to her and started crying. I felt like I wasn't there for her. What was she going through that was so painful? I wanted to take away all the hurt from her.

I opened my phone to call the guys. I saw the missed call from her. I cried even harder. If I answered she might have not attempted. I could've stopped her. This is all my fault. I called Ashley. "I'm at Meadow View Hospital. It's because of Ryder. Please come I need you right now." I probably didn't make sense at all. I just needed someone there. "I got you Andy don't worry. I'll be there." The tears kept flowing. This was the most heartbreaking thing ever. It felt like forever but Ashley came. He gave me a hug and I kept crying on his chest. "It's okay. Calm down and tell me what happened." "She tried to kill herself and I don't know why." Ashley held me tighter. "When she wakes up you'll have all the answers. Just be supportive. I know it's tough and you have many questions but she needs you here." Ashley was right I needed to stop thinking about me. He sat down in the chair on the other side of her. It felt good to have someone there for comfort. I slowly dozed off.

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