How Far Will Love Bend-Chapter 10

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Caspian approached me as I spun in my combination, and I just ignored him. “Listen Alexandrea, I know your still mad at me but you can’t go out with Damien tonight. He’s dangerous and I know you won’t-“ I cut him off while shoving heavy books into my locker, “-won’t be able to take care of myself.” I mimicked him. “Do you really think I can’t make the right judgment on him? Or do you not believe in second chances?” I asked rhetorically. Then slammed my locker and started walking down the hall.

He caught up to me and continued to talk “Alex, I never said that you don’t have good judgment and I DO believe in second chances. And I’m extremely sorry for yesterday, It wasn’t your fault but that’s exactly what I’m talking about! You physically not capable of taking control of the situation when he is supernaturally strong!” He said in a worried yet pleading tone. I sighed and stopped walking to look at him, “Ok I forgive you, but I’m still going to go out with him because he’s my friend and friends hang out together.” I said stubbornly, his face crumpled into a slight frown but quickly disappeared.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me into a janitors closet. He shut the door then said “If you insist on going, at least let me give you this,” He then swiftly pulled me into a kiss, the bell rang interrupting us and I pulled away. Before I left he said “Does this mean were back together?” A small smile appeared on my face and I said “Why, yes. Yes it does” then exited the closet to book it to my next class.

The end of the day finally rolled around and I speed walked to my locker and found Damien there waiting for me. “Ready to go?” He asked with a smile playing on his lips. “Yep! Just lemme put my stuff away and we can hit the road!” I replied as my locker sprung opened and once again I shoved my books into and shut it.

We walked out the door of the school and into the parking lot, we finally got to his car and when we did my jaw dropped and my eyes almost flew out of my head. There in the parking slot was a sleek, black 1967 Chevy Impala. My dream car.

Damien came over and shut my jaw “You can stop drooling now and get in” He joked. I snapped out of it and blushed from embarrassment “Sorry!” I carefully opened the door as if it would break at any second now and slowly got in, then gently shut the door.

“So do you need directions to my house?” I asked as we excited the parking lot “Why would I need directions to your house?” He asked confused. “So I can scrape up some money for the dress of course!” I said as I mentally checked my piggy bank and wallet for money. He looked at me with a surprised look, “No way! I got this Alex!” Now it was my turn to look at him surprised “You are NOT paying for a dress that, even at a good priced place, could be well over $100 bucks!” I said stubbornly, “Just let me get this, please?” He asked giving me fake puppy dog eyes. I snorted at the look he gave me and new this fight was lost. “Fineeee.”

We pulled up to a cream colored boutique called “Crystals Dresses” In black cursive letters. Damien parked the Impala and we entered the class doors. Damien went up to the counter and asked for reservation under ‘Banks’. The inside was a tan color with black decorations including a black grand piano. There were dresses of every shape, size, and color. How on earth am I supposed to pick one?

****Hoped you liked it! And in about 2 more chapters I will start doing different P.O.V's :) Just a heads up!***

How Far Will Love Bend? (Sequal to Out of the Blue)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora