How Far Will Love Bend-Chapter 12

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***I plan to do a different P.O.V next chapter!!!*****

After taking a shower, curling my hair into long, cascading curls, delicately applied my make up, and slipped the dress on (with my black rose heels) , I was finally ready. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Caspian toying with my nick-nacs but looked up when I walked out. His jaw dropped and his eyes filled with love and admire. “Well? Do you like it?” I asked

“It makes you look gorges, not that you aren’t already!  But don’t you want to but something over your shoulders? You know in case you get cold” He said while tracing his fingers lightly over my shoulders. “Oh yeah, in case I get cold, riiiight. You sure it isn’t the fact that you’re jealous?” I said playfully while gliding closer to him. “Well how can I not be? You’re going out to dinner or something with a vampire, looking absolutely stunning and smelling good. I think I have the right to be” he grumbled.

“Oh please, Damien’s not like that.  He respects me as a FRIEND, and won’t hurt me.” I said reassuringly. “Yeah, I’m sure he does. Even if he does, it will be even more difficult for him to control himself around you, looking and smelling this wonderful. I mean I can barely control myself from not sweeping you away and to kiss you while-“

“Look, I’m going to be alright. Trust me please?” I said giving him my puppy dog face. He chuckled and brought me into a hug and held me there. “Because I love you, I trust you Alexandrea.” Then he kissed me gently on the nose. That’s when I heard a honk outside my window.  Caspains mood changed from loving and sweet, to ridged and bitter. “He doesn’t even have the decency to come up to your door.” I heard him mumble/growl. I stepped out of his hug and grabbed my small clutch with my phone and money in it.

“Oh relax Casper.” I said grinning at his nick name. He laughed and followed me out of my room and down the stairs. I got to the door and he asked “Can I at least walk you to his car?” I hesitated slightly considering the friction between them but reluctantly nodded. This could be interesting.

i walked down the drive way and approached Damien’s awesome car. Damien got out of the car with a smile on his face but it soon disappeared when he saw Caspian. “What’s he doing here?” Damien said while glaring at Caspian. “He just wanted to walk me to your car to say goodbye!” I said cheerfully trying to clear the tenchion. I turned around to Caspian to give him a hug goodbye but he pulled me into a kiss full of urgency and worry. I didn’t feel comfortable with it so I pulled away and said “What has gotten into you?”

“Just making sure.” He said while looking at Damien, then walked away into the night. I stood there for a second with my face crumpled in a frown but shook it off and got in the car. I shut my door as Damien .started the engine. “Sorry about him, he can be over the top sometimes!” I said with a laugh. “Its ok, protective, I get it” he said with a smile.

I noticed he was dressed in a black tux with a blood red tie to match my dress. Matching? “So where are we going anyway?” I asked curious as to why we were so dressed up. “It’s a surprise” He said enthusiastically. “Oh come on, one hint?” I asked pouting slightly. “Nope!” he said popping the ‘p’.  I sighed.

The rest of the car ride was just small talk until we pulled up to a humongous, very eloquent looking hotel. I looked at him and raised an eye brow skeptically. He chuckled and said “There’s a very eloquent restaurant inside” I laughed at my own expense “Oh, gotch ya!”

We pulled up to a small area of the grey parking lot and saw a man dressed in a white and maroon red suit with a matching red hat that said “Hamelin Hotel” in black cursive letters, walk up to his car. Damien stopped the car and we both got out and Damien handed the guy the keys. A man dressed similar escorted us into the hotel. Well, here goes nothing!

How Far Will Love Bend? (Sequal to Out of the Blue)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora