My Joonie

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       A week or so later, Namjoon was sitting on his bed when he heard on knock on his room door. When he opened it, his mother was standing there with a box in her hand.
    “ Ah Joon, the mail man just dropped this off by our door and it has your name on it.” She says, handing the box over to him. Taking it, he smiles and thanks her before closing the door and going to sit on his bed with the box. Opening the box, his heart starts to beat loudly as he realizes what he’s looking at. In it, is many letters from one person. A person he thought had forgotten about him. Jin. Without hesitation, he rips open the letter in chronological order and reads. Realizing that each one is a reply from jin. He cries in happiness until he gets to a few of the more recent letters.

 '' Dear, Joonie

         Haven’t I told you not to doubt me? My heart is too small to love more than one person, you should feel proud.  Let’s be honest, who wouldn’t want to wake up next to this handsome face? Then again, It’s too bad for everyone else because I don’t want to wake up next to anyone but you. Joonie listen to yourself. My forevers last forever. As the word implies. So stop your grumbling my love. Also, I love you I love you I love you. Just imagine that I’m saying that and it goes on forever okay? And you want to know what I saw? I saw you beside me. Smiling and showing me those beautiful dimples that I love to kiss. I saw my arms wrapped around you as you whispered in my ear that you love me. I saw you. My Joonie. I want nothing more than to hold you close to me and never let you go. I want it more than anything and yet it’s the one thing that I can’t have.
                               Love, Jinnie ''

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