Chapter one;

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Kass's POV

Kass, what a boring name, I've never liked it. I've always been just an average girl, A's and B's in school.

My hair is somewhere I between brown and blonde, more on the blonde side. My eyes are a mixture of green, blue, and brown. But everyone just thinks they're grey usually.

My older brother Dylan is popular, he's a runner, he has dark blond hair and he keeps it short and pushed up in a quiff. He has bright blue eyes. He's about 6' 1" and he makes me seem tiny with my 5' 2" frame. My hair ends just below my chest. it's not long but it's not short.

I've always lived in my brother's shadow. But I'm used to it, and i don't think I would know what to do if I was in the spotlight.

Today is my last day in Indiana, about four months ago my family told me we were moving. It wasn't a big deal to me, my best friend is my brother, so I wasn't leaving anyone behind.

But Dyl was leaving everything, he had friends, popularity, girls, he was furious that we were moving to Virginia.

It's 5:06 am and I'm leaving to the airport with my family. we start loading into the car, my stepmom and my dad are in the front and I'm in the back with my brother

he turns to me with an apologetic look and says "Listen I'm sorry I've been cranky since I found out about the move, you're still my best friend and that's not going to change because we move, I love you Kass, I hope you know that."

I smiled and turned to him "I know Dyl, it's okay, I understand it was harder for you to leave than it was for me." He half smiles and pushes my shoulder affectionately.

he hands me one of his beats earbuds and we listen to Hoodie Allen's channel on pandora. Before I know it we are at the airport. Dyl grabs mine and his bags.

my stepmom turns to me "Hey Kass, you wanna grab a coffee real quick before the flight?" I giggle at how much she gets me "Of course," I say with a laugh.

We find a little coffee shop and get two caramel white mochas

We drink them down quick and then it's time to get on the plane.

I sit by Dyl, but he gets the window seat. I find myself becoming very tired, I lean on Dyl and he passes me a headphone, and turns on some music before I fall asleep.

I wake up to find Dyl fell asleep too. I stand up and go to the bathroom, when I come back Dyl is awake, i sit by him and smile. "hey Dyl?" he turns to me "ya kass?" I frown a little "What is gonna happen with you and Whitney..." he frowns.

Whitney was his girlfriend. she was really nice, she treated me like a popular girl even though she was older and cooler than me. he turns away but starts to talk "I think we are breaking up" his voice gets weak and I know that means to stop talking. He wraps his arm around me and we sit in silence for the rest of the plane ride

we get off and drive to the new house in a comfortable silence occasionally cracking a joke or messing with each other.

after a while we pull up to a big beige colored house, it's gorgeous.

We walk inside and the living room is huge I turn the corner and I'm in a big kitchen with wood floors and granite countertops.

I see a fridge big enough to hold all the food in the world. I stare in awe

the furniture was shipped weeks ago. I see our couch and a comfortable feeling wells up inside of me. I walk up the stairs and see a room with light blue walls, I assume it's mine and walk in.

I see my bed, throw on my aero sweats and an undershirt, tie up my dark blonde hair and flop onto my bed, I'm asleep in seconds.


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