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Ehlarie Kate's P.O.V

Everyone sighed in relief when the bell rang for the next period. The funny and hellish thing about the university's new class schedule for this academic year is that each subject has one hour and thirty minutes duration for Tuesdays and Thursdays since they removed our Saturday classes. Of course, that's supposed to be fun but for us who are enrolled in Econ, it's not.

That explains why we always walk out of our classroom as though we've become punching bags and have been worn out.

It's just September and it feels like I've been here for a year now. I think I'm going to hate September. Nah! Kidding! I'll never hate autumn.

"Gahd! I was dying to talk to you but I was too scared with our Econ teacher." Aleah gushed as we walk to our next class, Literature.

She had been sending me meaningful but deadly looks since she saw me and Calvin went in the room together.

"And I've been dying to tell you that what you saw was nothing." I shut her up but I know she won't budge, seeing as to how she was grinning.

"Rie, I might be loveless now but I know how to see 'the spark' that is glowing between two people. Believe me; I've seen that real quick this morning." She was so excited about it as though she had just witnessed her favourite Korean actors end up together and is lovey-dovey.

I just rolled my eyes as we entered the classroom.

"Oh yeah, keep telling yourself that. But what happened was just a coincidental thing in a perfectly normal day." I shouldn't have worded it that way but regrets do come last, as always.

We took a seat at the right side near the window and Aleah just won't stop talking.

"Now now, my dear best friend. Can't you even tell just by how you're reacting and wording things? You're seriously making me want to help you and Calvin happen." I almost slapped her with my notebook that I was supposed to be reviewing for this class.

"A, if I were you I won't say his name ever again. You're actually talking about the guy who's kind of popular in our major and you're also talking about that same guy that Rayah has a crush on." I toned down my voice as I saw more students coming in and taking a seat near us.

"Woah! Who said they even have the right to care about that right now? Especially our good friend, Rayah...I mean she isn't even the girlfriend so why bring that up now? You're seriously taking a lot of things into consideration." Aleah teased and I hope I just didn't open my mouth but I had to, my side needed to be heard.

"What I'm saying is if they hear you talk about him, they'd get the wrong idea just the way you're doing to me right now." I explained and sighed in surrender.

Just then, someone entered the room and waved at us.

"Besides, I'm already having sparks with him." I added as I pointed to the guy who was walking towards us.

Eron Jon Zandejas, a Junior college student who belongs to the basketball team, the same team my brother is the captain. That goes to say he is close to my brother since like forever. He is like Ace's twin brother.

He wasn't supposed to be in my class but being a varsity member, he had to get irregular class schedules. And it's only now that he is taking Literature as it has no pre-requisites just the way Calvin did with his Econ subject.

Yeah, Calvin. (Sigh)

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