Surprise! I Think....

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*One month later*

I haven't been feeling very well but I just brushed it off. I get migraines all the time and they make me feel ill. 

It was morning time and I felt nauseous. I quickly ran to the bathroom and threw up. I felt somebody behind me holding my hair up. 

J: "You okay baby?"

y/n: "i'm fine bubs. I just need to rest"

J: "are you sure? you've been like this for 2 weeks already."

y/n: "I'm fine."

I walked back to Jakes bed and covered up with a fuzzy blanket. Jake crawled in beside me and i snuggled up to his warm body. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek. It was a pretty chill day. All we did was watch movies and cuddle.


*next day*

I just realized I was supposed to get my period yesterday. I never did and I still haven't gotten it today. Shit.

y/n: "hey babe, i'm going to go to the store. you want anything?"

J: "no i'm good. Do you need me to go with?"

y/n: "no i can handle it"

J: "be safe. I love you baby"

y/n: "love you too bubs"

I give him a quick peck on the lips and grabbed his car keys. I drove to the Walgreens and picked up a pregnancy test. I then got in the car and drove to McDonalds. I couldn't have Jake see me take the test. If it's positive i'll tell him, just not right away. I entered the restaurant with the test in my pocket. I dashed for the bathrooms and unboxed it. I peed on it and waited. 3 minutes has gone by and i'm very hesitant. What if it is positive and Jake leaves me? What if his family thinks I'm a disgrace and they kick me out? I guess we'll have to see. I flip it over and a tear streams down my face as I see the test has 2 lines. I walk out of the stall and wipe my tears away. I put the test back into my pocket and ordered some milkshakes. I got back into the car and drove to Jakes house. I opened the door.

Y/n: "baby, i'm back! And I brought you a milkshake"

J: "thank youuuuu"

he says as he kisses me on the lips. I take off my jacket and throw it on the floor. We sit and talk all day


*next day*

We wake up and get ready like normal. Good thing I still remembered about the pregnancy test in my jacket. I took the test and hid it in my underwear drawer so Jake wouldn't find it. We went to school like normal and it took my mind off of the baby.


*one week later*

J: "hey babe, you haven't been moody lately. Aren't you supposed to be on your lady days?"

y/n: "um...shut the door. I need to talk to you."

I tried not to cry but a tear slipped down my cheek.

J: "what's the matter? You don't have to cry bubs, you can tell me anything. I love you"

I laid my head on his chest as he comforted me and kissed my head.

y/n: "I don't know if you're going to love me after this, bu"

Before i could say another word he kissed me. I love his kisses.

J: "There's nothing you could do to make me stop loving you y/n"

y/n: "well, i'm p-pregnant...."

J: "really?"

y/n: "i'm sorry."

J: "Don't be baby, I'm going to be a dad!"

y/n: "so you're not mad at me?

J: "hey, it takes 2 to tango. It's my responsibility too."

y/n: "thank you for understanding Jake. How will we tell your parents?"

J: "well, they have a family dinner scheduled tonight. That means Reggie and Ryan will be here too. We can tell them all at once."

y/n: "are you sure you want to do it tonight?"

J: "we have to bubs."

We laid down on his bed and i hugged him as tight as possibly could and he played with my hair until we both fell asleep.

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