Family Time Tragedy

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It's the next day and we don't have much to do. I woke up and Jake was still sleeping. I got dressed and left to pick up Noah. When I got back, Jake was still sleeping, so I put Noah on his stomach. 

J: "Jeez, you're getting big!"

Y/n: "Was it that tiring last night that you had to sleep in?"

He laughs and sits up and we play with Noah on our bed.

J: "Hey, lets go have a family day today. Just me, you and Noah."

Y/n: "That sounds like a great idea."

Jake got Noah dressed while I got the diaper bag ready. We all got in the car and went to Ihop. When we got in we were seated right away. 

Waiter: "What would ya'll like?"

Y/n: "I'll have the fruit pancakes with whipped cream on top."

J: "I'll have the blueberry pancakes."

We were eating when a girl came up to us and started talking. Something about her was off and I didn't feel comfortable. I guess Jake didn't notice, which is strange because he usually does. Maybe he was just distracted.

Y/n: "Hey babe, I'm going to go to the bathroom real quick."

J: "Okay."

I grabbed Noah and his diaper bag and headed into the bathroom. I was changing him when Kat happened to walk into the bathroom.

K: "Oh hey y/n! I didn't know you were here."

Y/n: "Yeah, I was with Jake."

K: "Oh. Do you know who the girl out there with him is?"

Y/n: "No, she just came up and started talking to us. Something is off about her though."

K: "Does Jake know her?"

Y/n: "I don't think so."

Kat starts to wash syrup off of her hands. 

Y/n: "Doesn't she seem familiar? I feel like i've seen her around."

K: "No, i've never seen her before. Anyways, I have to get back to Sam. See you later."

Y/n: "Bye."

She walks out then immediately walks back in.

K: "Oh my god y/n!"

Y/n: "What's wrong?"

K: "Jake was kissing the girl."

As soon as she got to the word kiss, my heart dropped and I could feel my eyes start to water.

Y/n: "W-what?"

K: "I'm so sorry y/n."

I sat on the floor holding Noah tight in my arms. At first it was just a few light tears, but then I was crying hysterically. 

K: "I'll go and tell Sam to pull the car up front."

Kat left and I was silent. Well, not silent, I was crying and sniffling. When Kat came back she helped me to my feet and took Noah into her arms. She grabbed the diaper bag and led me out. When I looked over at the table, Jake was sitting there just smiling at the girl. It made my stomach turn. I didn't know what to feel. I was sad that he would do that to me and ruin our relationship, but I was also furious he did it with a complete stranger. Unless...did he know her? At this point I could care less. I just wanted out and to be alone. We managed to sneak out without Jake knowing.

*At the house*

I walk in and I immediately go upstairs. I put Noah in his crib and start to pack all of my things. Tears of heartbreak stream down my face. I look at Noah and see him sleeping. I get up and go to the one person I want to see right now. Colby. I get to his door and knock on it.

C: "Who is it?"

Y/n: "It's y/n."

C: "Come on in."

I walk in with my eyes all red and puffy, and Colby notices. He quickly sits up and motions for me to sit on his bed. I go sit.

C: "Are you okay? You look like you've been crying."

Y/n: "Honestly Colby, i'm not okay. You're the only one I know I could talk to."

C: "Awe, y/n. What happened."

I tell him the story and by the time i'm done tears are streaming down my face. Colby pulls me into a hug and wipes my tears away.

C: "Thanks for telling me. You know, I don't like seeing you upset."

Y/n: "It's just, how am I going to avoid Jake? We literally sleep in the same room."

C: "Well, there's always the spare rooms. Do you want to go talk to Elton?"

Y/n: "I might as well."

Colby and I go to the garage. Elton is sitting on the couch, editing.

E: "Hey, whats up guys?"

Y/n: "Elton, I need to talk to you."

I sit down next to him on the couch, and Colby follows.

E: "Have you been crying?"

I explain the story to him, the same as I told Colby.

Y/n: "So I was wondering if I could move into the spare room?"

E: "Yes. And Jake's not going to live here much longer."

Y/n: "Elton, you can't just kick him out."

E: "Y/n, he cheated on you with a stranger. I'm not going to have him here."

My phone starts to ring and i'm nervous to look. Just as I figured, it's Jake.

C: "Don't answer him y/n. He hurt you."

Y/n: "But Colby, h-"

C: "Y/n. He's not good for you."

I hear the gate open, and so does Elton.

E: "Colby, stay here with y/n. I'm going to lock all of the doors."

C: "It's no use, he has a house key."

Y/n: "No he doesn't. He didn't bring his."

Elton quickly runs and locks all of the doors.  Jake starts texting me to let him in. I get scared, and Colby notices. He quickly pulls me in for a hug and holds onto me.

C: "It's okay y/n. Elton will make sure you're safe."

Y/n: "Colby, can we go to your room?"

He nods and we run upstairs. I go get Noah and we lock Colby's bedroom door. Just as I think we're safe, I hear glass shatter downstairs. Jake broke the glass door.

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