Chapter 21

23 1 2

(The photo above is a half and half of Jack Rabbit, the right being when he was younger and the left being now, of course if you had a different image in mind, go ahead and use that, art made by me!)

Spring sprinted out of the elevator followed by Crystal, down to the door that read "23." Spring pounded on the door eagerly awaiting a response. After not immediately getting one Crystal became impatient. Rolling her eyes she shoved Spring aside and kicked down the door with one swift blow. Shocked, Spring followed her inside.

"WILLIAM." Crystal barked.

William, or "Spring," sat up immediately. His eyes widening at the site of the two intruders.

"What the fu- Spring? And other Spring? Random blonde lady, am.. am I dreaming?" Jaden's expressions were sleepy and his hair a mess.

"¿Cuál es con el ruido?" Rodent grumbled as he lifted himself from his bed.

He froze in his steps and his eyes widened as he saw the visitors. "Why hello there, pardon my french but, excuse me what the fuuuck."

Spring picked up William by the collar and shoved him into a wall, William letting out a small squeak.


"HEY! Hands off bud-" Rodent went to push Spring of William before seeing Spring's face-"uh... Spring?"

"Show them your real form coward," Crystal demanded.

"Real form.." Jaden mumbled.

"Crystal?" William questioned, as she requested he had shifted into his normal self then gave a toothy smile,"Crystal! How've ya been! We's been lookin' everywhere for ya!"

"Wait a minute," Jaden walked over,"you've been William this whole time?"

"Yep! And I know all about your little Light User now, Jack's gonna be so proud of me!" William giggled with excitement.

Spring shoved William into the wall a second time, causing William to ht his head, "Oh, you won't be seeing Jack anytime soon, bud." Spring hissed.

"And who the hell are you?" Jaden glared pointing at Crystal.

"Ya, what's a hottie like you doin' hanging out with a guy like Spring?" Rodent purred.

"I'm-" Crystal started.

Spring shot him a glare,"What do you mean a guy like me."

Rodent put his hands up in defense,"Nothin' just I never imagined you to be the one whose interested in uh, females."

"What are you implying Ollivan.." Spring's glare in tensing.

"I mean, everyone thinks somthing's goin' on between you and Jaden-"

"WHAT?" Spring and Jaden yelling in unison, both faces red.

"HEY!" Crystal yelled.

"I am Springs friend, I owe my life to him, that's all you need to know, for now," Crystal frowned. "What are we gonna do about William?"

"You can't do nothin'! Jack knows where I am, so if ya kill me, he'll kill all of ya!" William laughed.

"You think Jack gives a shit about you?" Jaden smirked.

"'Course he does! He considers me a valuable member of his gang!" William sad with child-like smugness.

"No, he considers Drago a valuable member, if you weren't Drago's apprentice, he wouldn't have let you join, and when Jack finds out Drago doesn't remember you, he's sure the kick you out or worse. We're doin' you a favor by ending this early." Spring explained.

What They Don't KnowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora