not chapter 22

14 1 1

This is not the next part so ya I'm sorry
It's just a few things I wanna go over :))))))

Ok so
1. This stories gonna go through some editing, like, alot. So the next chapters gonna take some time. Don't worry I'm not gonna change anything major or anything. I'm not gonna be like "woops Spring's a girl actually." Just little things I forgot to add or need to change. :D

2. I might rewrite this story, I don't mean delete this one and forget it existed I mean like, make another story just like this one, same plot, characters, ect. But it'll be a bit different. Like I might make them older or actually have people like Rodent and Jaden go to school or something idk, but if your down with me attempting to rewrite it (AGAIN, NOT Deleting this story just creating a new one) then tell me 😊

3. Who's backstory do you wanna see more of? I'll get to them all eventually but I'm curious

Aight have a nice day amigos 💓

What They Don't KnowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora