Chapter 23

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"Elizabeth! Slow down mon chou," Elizabeth's mother chuckled as her daughter had scarfed down everything on her plate.

"Oui, slow down, what's the rush?" Her father asked.

However, Elizabeth was to preoccupied on her phone to notice her parents. Trying her best to balance the flow of text messages and her breakfast.

Bleu readied a blueberry on his spoon to launch at Elizabeth, Aamber tried to hide her giggles so their parents wouldn't notice.

"Elizabeth?" Her father asked looking up from the paper's in front of him. Her father had been working on a robbery case, or something like that, Elizabeth didn't exactly know all the details. He had always been working on something it felt like, most breakfasts, he was working. Which didn't bother anyone, hardly anyone in the Fleur family was a morning person, they preferred it quiet.

She finally looked up, cheeks stuffed with waffles,"Hm?" A blueberry then hit Elizabeth's glasses, making her grunt and take them off the clean off the blueberry guts.

"Bleu!" Their mother scolded.

"Heh, sorry Izzy."

"Oh, it's uh, it's fine," She blinked rabidly putting her glasses back on.

Her mother frowned, Elizabeth had seemed out of it all morning, she assumed it was nothing and she may have just been experiencing jet lag from the trip. "Are you sure you don't want to stay home today sweetheart?"

Elizabeth tiredly shook her head,"No, I have a lot of makeup work to get, I'd rather work on it as soon as possible then keep pushing it back," She explained in between a yawn, she'd stayed up all night doing research on Jack Rabbit. Only to find so little was kept on him, he was barely known by the media.

His father, Howard Rabbit, was a bit more famous. He was one of the mafia's most respected men, and lived in Brighton. They had moved to the states do to his wife's career as a doctor. He was killed in April of 2009. Shortly after his wife had been killed in their own home, and his son, Jack, had disappeared after his mother's death. There was a small search party for him for awhile, but it was dismissed quickly. He'd been found guilty for numerous murders in 2012, but oddly, received no jail time for it after being caught, and nobody had questioned or rioted against it. Elizabeth assumed it had something to do with his magic.


"You look, dead," Sam chuckled at Elizabeth as they sat on the bleachers. They'd both been hit out for dodge-ball, Sam on purpose for Elizabeth's sake, and Elizabeth because she forgot that moving was a thing.

"I stayed up late last night.." the brunette mumbled,"I was trying to do research on Jack... I didn't find much though.."

"Ya, you're not gonna find much on the internet," Sam shrugged,"Whatcha wanna know?"

Elizabeth knitted her eyebrows,"Who exactly killed his parents?"

Sam humed in thought,"I don't really know, I just know it was a small group of men who didn't like Howard Rabbit, Jack's dad. They must've been fellow magic users, because Jack stole the buttons from them. They're dead now though, Jack killed them. So there's not a lot of information on them as far as I know."

"Was Howard powerful? Should we be worried that they were able to kill him?"

"He was, socially and magically, but this was a group, they had probably planned this out for months, I'd even bet years."

"Shouldn't that be more alarming? Why'd they want to kill him so badly?"

"Howard wasn't a good man, I'm sure they had fair reasons."

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