Chapter one

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Fifty four days since the infection started spreading. Pidge, Hunk and Lance had been together since day one, when the infection first started. In the beginning there were warnings and announcements everywhere, nobody knew what caused the infectious disease, but they knew the consequences would not be good, and as the days went by, more and more people seemed to disappear. Then the walker hoards started showing up, and now Earth was a living hell. The trio were currently hiding in a cottage, out in a small wood, they found. When they got there, there were two walkers, who they speculate may have been a couple in their mid twenties. Pidge thought they shot each other, as a way of escaping what was happening. Hunk said that he wanted to leave them as walkers, and that if they had shot each other, they wanted to be left alone like that. Pidge wasn't having it. They ended up putting a bullet through the walkers heads. Destroying the brain was the only way to really kill a walker. This all happened thirty two days after the infection started spreading. They are out of food, ammo and other medical supplies.
  " Lance, come on. We have to move. " Pidge said. Lance looked over at her. She had her bag slung around her shoulder, and axe in hand. Her eyes were heavy and dark, like she hadn't been sleeping for a while. Hunk stood behind her, he looked rather drained and lifeless; you could see he wasn't doing well mentally.
  " Alright, I'm coming. " Lance grabbed his backpack and sighed. He was hungry. Very hungry. They took a last look around the place, and then made their way to the door, listening to the floorboards creak when they walked over them.
  As Hunk pulled the nails out of the planks they used to board up the door, bright sunlight streamed into the cottage. Pidge sneered and put her hand up to her forehead, shielding her green eyes. In the sun, you could see they were worn out and dirty; on day nine the running water stopped. The three of them set off, weapons in hand. As they walked through the forest, the dry fall leaves crunched beneath their feet.
  " So. Where do you think we may be going? " Lance asked Pidge, who seemed, despite being the youngest and smallest, to be leading the group.
  " Into town. We are mainly looking for food, but we're low on ammo and medical supplies. " she said sternly. The young girl had her chest puffed out and her arms back. She looked fierce and and confident, and Lance envied that. He was hunched over a bit, and his head was hung low.
  " Do you think maybe we can find me a jacket? It's fall, soon to be winter, and I don't think it's smart to have just a baseball tee on in that kind of weath- "
  " Lance, we need to stay on task. Food. Ammo. Medical supplies. Jacket comes after that. " Pidge told him. Hunk gave him a sympathetic look, as to say sorry. Lance sighed and looked around. The trees were a fiery red, and the colour burned bright in the rays of the sun. If this scene was taken out of context, you may have thought that everything was okay, but in reality, everything was not okay.

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