Chapter two

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Keith lit a cigarette and put his dirty black lighter in his back pocket. As he inhaled in the mucky grey smoke, he began to cough; leaning over to rest his right hand on his knee. His jeans had a hole just below the knee, and through that you could see a long, deep scar on his leg. By the small fireplace, lit by the flames they had made an hour prior, Shiro began to laugh. He rested his hand over his mouth, to try and cover up his chuckle. Keith's eyes flashed with frustration as he glared at Shiro, who only smiled back.
" It wasn't funny. " Keith said, turning his head away in embarrassment. The older male tilted his head and gave a response.
" It kind of was. You've been smoking for months now and you still haven't gotten used to it. It's okay, it was kind of cute. " Shiro said, standing up. He stretched his arms above his head, and then began to walk towards Keith, and he stiffened up as Shiro stood in front of him.
" It's late, Keith, we should get to bed. " He suggested to his friend, who only gave a loud snort of disgust.
" You had to wait until I lit a cigarette? Asshole. " Keith exclaimed, throwing it on the floor and stomping on it. Shiro gave a weak smile. He walked over to his bed and pulled off his shirt. He laid down in the musky old bed left by whoever used to live in the house. Keith watched Shiro's chest rise and fall as he breathed, and he looked at the light streaming from the window, strung across his face. He continued watching until he decided to roll off into his own bed across the small room.
When Keith woke up he looked around the room. The sun shone brightly, though he could hear light rain outside, and he smelled something cooking. Keith sat up and saw Shiro by the fireplace with a pot. The man was crouching, hunched over a bit, and he had a spoon in one hand, and an empty can in the other. Keith watched Shiro stir the meal, noticing the way his arm moved slightly as he moved the spoon in the pot. It was only a few seconds, but to Keith it felt like the whole world had gone by. He closed his eyes.
" Keith. " Keith opened his eyes and saw Shiro standing over him with the metal pot.
" Breakfast, buddy. I made you some soup! " He said holding out a spoon.
" I know it's nothing fancy, but I'm no chef, and this is pretty much all we have left so- "
" Shiro, it's perfect. Thank you. " Keith said, ending the conversation with Shiro in a flustered state. As the two men sat together and ate their soup, Shiro looked up and gave an announcement.
"I think I want to teach you how to use a gun- Keith don't give me that look. Listen I know you like your knife, but it will only get you so far." He explained to Keith, who looked rather irked at the comment about his weapon choice. "We just have to go out and find you one. We can go out town today, and look for one. We could also do with some food, so it will be a good trip. " Shiro offered. His eyes sparkled with hope that Keith would like the plan, but he just brushed it off.
" Yeah, sure, I guess. " Keith stood up and grabbed his knife. "Let's go. "
" Oh? Now? Keith I didn't mean right this second. " Shiro said, waving his hands around.
" No. Get up. We're leaving. "

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