Chapter Three

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I walked to the first place I had seen that caught my attention. Moe’s Diner  was this dinky little place but it made you feel at home, well at least that’s what the flyer in my hand said. I walked in and went to the first person with a uniform “Im looking for Moe”. The waitress I asked had to be in her fifties she had brown hair with tints of grey and looked exhausted. The waitress turned to look at me then busted up laughing

“What’s so funny” I asked crossing my arms defensively. She caught her breath and gave me a look  “I’m Moe kind of” she said clearing her throat. I looked up at her confused and she continued, “you see there is no real Moe, its named after my late husband but the diner is mine. So what can I do for you?

I looked really nervous and I kept fidgeting under her gaze “Do you have any job openings?" I finally asked. “She gave me a once over and said “you know I have been real swamped lately  guess I could use an extra hand.” I breathed a sigh of realief then stopped “Well do you have any applications you want me to fill out or back ground checks”. I held my breath if she said she did background checks I could kiss this job goodbye before I even get it. She smiled at me “no need for any of that fancy stuff just get an extra apron from the back and ill show you around.”

I sprinted to the back to grab and apron but the only one I could find in my size was Gertrude. Seriously who names their kid that its like putting a sign on that kids head to make fun of them. I slipped on the uniform which was tight on the top but really flowy on the bottom. I looked around a little more to try to find a different uniformbut couldnt find anything then I heard the waitresses voice yell “hey are you coming or what?” I yelled for her to give me a second and stuffed my clothes in a bag and opened up the door.

“Ready” I said a little out of breath.

Okay so all you’ll be doing is coming up here to the chef station and taking these plates to the table number on the bottom. I nodded my head, hanging on to every word she said. So that means when its not really busy you just stand here and that gets pretty boring so what I do is talk to Sam.  I looked into the chef station not seeing anyone then all of a sudden a head popped up out of nowhere. I didn’t jump I just stared he looked to be about the waitresses age he had salt and pepper hair with these kind blue eyes. The waitress gestured to both Sam and I “Sam this is…. actually I didn’t quite catch your name how very rude of me”.

I put my hand out “it’s fine, the names Jordan”.

She grabbed my hand and shook it “well Jordan I’m Trudy” she turned towards Sam and clapped her hands  “Okay lets try this again”, she said cheerfully. “Sam this is ..” she started out saying but was interrupted by Sam ”Trudy I was here the entire time you were I heard her” he turned towards me “nice to meet you Jordan, I’m Sam.” He shook my hand but pulled it away as if I had burned him “Jesus for such a little lady you have quite the grip right there.” I apologizied feeling bad for hurting him; sometimes I just don’t know my own strength.

I looked at Trudy who looked at Sam with love and concern in her eyes.

I cleared my throat “So when do I start?’

Trudy shook her head “Well I just had you pick a uniform out so I had your size other than that you can serve a table or two to get the feel of it then come in next Monday for your first day.”

The first table I served was pretty easy I got a drink mixed up or two. Okay so the first table only had two people so technically by mixing up one drink or two drinks I might have mixed up the whole table but its my first day out in the real world in almost 10 years cut me some slack. The next table was alot better it might have been because all the guy ordered was a simple coffee but whatever ill take what I can get. I told Trudy and Sam bye before I left they said they would see me next Monday. My favorite part of this entire day was the walking there was complete silence. Now I know what you’re thinking this girl just spent years in juvenile detention center and jail and she misses having alone time she’s crazy. Those are different they were forced I didn’t want to be quiet then I wanted to be free I was just a little kid now that I’m older I appreciate these moments more.

I was scared but I refused to admit it to anyone of course I wanted my dad but he left me behind he could have fought for me or visited me. I was a six-year-old girl who actually believed her daddy was going to come save her. Do you know how much that fucks you up to sit every day for visitors day and have no one but reporters or people that you don’t know want to talk to you when all you want is your dad. He abandoned me not the other way around so he has no right to be mad; I have the right to be mad. I didn’t realize I was crying until I felt my tears running down my face. I was pissed off at myself for crying I was pissed off at my dad for being a bad parent and I was mad at the world for no reason. I pulled myself together and calmed myself down before I did anything really stupid like kill someone (Yes she already did kill someone and yes this is a really bad joke). I started running I figured out in juvie that it would help calm me down. Before I knew it I was already in front of my Franks house.

This is going to be so awkward I really hope my social worker didn’t snitch on me about the Doritos.

Authors Note:

Funny moment of the day- my friend and I were in gym class and they do attendance by calling out last names in alphabetical order. Her last name starts with a P mine with an R so I Say hey your names after mine and she looks at me and goes “what?”  And I say, “Yeah because the alphabet goes QRSLMNOP” and she just laughs at me for the longest time before I realize what I just said so yeah in conclusion life would be boring if we were smart all the time or at least that what my mom tells me J

Sad moment of the day-  When I was writing that paragraph where Jordan was talking about her dad abandoning her and being mad and crying I was talking about me. My dad left me when I was two and he has a new family and I see him every couple of years and I’m sick of him acting like he’s a good parent to me and I like I have no right to be mad. So, when I was writing that paragraph it was really emotional for me and I cried a little bit.

Vote like and comment I love my readers and ill try to up date more I have a laptop now so yay!!!Next Chapter will get pretty spicy if you now what I mean wink wink and if you don’t know what I mean….keep reading

Spicy-(Spy~Cee)Things are about to heat up and some secrets will be spilled.

Sentence form- James was afraid of the spicy going down in his house so he stayed with friends.

Warning/disclaimer~This might not be the real definition of spicy at this moment I'm too lazy to look it up and be sure.

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