Chapter Four

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Chapter 4

Franks house scared me but not because of how it looked. It was actually kind of ironic the house looked perfect it had that suburbia glow to it; You know what I mean that cant be true, has to be on a TV show type of family. Just like in those TV shows this family had secrets too. I couldn’t let these people intimidate me. I’m Jordan freaking Roberts and I’m a fighter god dammit.

I walked up to the door and threw it open not bothering to knock. Technically this is my house too right so that means that I’m not a guest and there’s no need for formalities

I looked toward the couch where my social worker was sitting across from frank and Carrie. There’s no way in hell I’m going to call them mom and dad.

I gave them my two-finger salute and went to the kitchen. If I have to suffer through this then I’m suffering with food. (This is my philosophy on life).

“Soo” I say wandering into the living room. ”How much have you told them” I look towards my social worker waiting for a response.

“Actually Jordan I was waiting until you got here before I explained things “ She sent me a glare but I don’t blame her I was gone for a good hour that had to be an awkward hour. Hmmm-awkward hour that’s a good name for my TV show. Okay Jordan focus but don’t forget the TV show idea thats brilliant, look at your social worker she saying something pay attention.

“Jordan did you hear me,” my social worker was giving me the stink eye and I could blame her this time.

“Hey its not my fault I have amazing ideas that distract me besides I don’t understand why you waited just tell them so we can get this over with.”

“Fine,” my social worker snapped back at me. "Look Mr. and Mrs. Evan’s this is Jordan she’s Franks daughter she just got released and by the judges orders she has to stay with you until she turns eighteen or other circumstances arise."

“What do you mean she got released and by judges orders, Jesus, frank she could be dangerous think about the kids,” said the Carrie standing next to frank who wasn’t really big on me coming to live with her family.

“Listen I don’t blame you for being skeptical of me and I cant tell you I’m not dangerous because I would be lying, “I smiled at her but that seemed to freak her out more.” I really wouldn’t be lying I have killed someone more than one person actually but that one wasn’t my fault and I don’t blame myself, I did for a while though. Something changes in you when you take someone’s life whether it was for self-defense or not. Two people die that day, the person you killed and the person you used to be.  Even as a little kid I felt it then again when I was eleven. I trained in prison and juvie. I recall prison vividly I was just six year s old and I was scared by the time I was in my cell everyone had heard my story. The women in the prison weren’t the reason I had to transfer it was the guards, its always the guards. The women would take me in and train me so I knew how to defend myself I always reminded them of someone they once knew and loved so they would try to protect me. I made some friends in some high places pretty fast they had a break out plan I looked it over and it would have worked perfectly but I didn’t want out. Some part of me did blame myself for her death I could have called the cops and waited I didn’t have to kill her but I did and I didn’t give it a second thought. Sometimes I loved that part of me it helped that I could shut off my emotions so quick when it came down to it but, it also scared me a lot. Holy crap how long have I been daydreaming my life story in my thoughts. I glanced towards the clock two minutes are you kidding me that felt like an hour.

“Okay,” I say clapping my hands  “so I guess she has explained everything so ill jut go find my own room I’m sure you have an extra room around here its like a mansion in this place.”

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